Straight Pride (Re: Gay pride threads)

You did talk. A alot.
You made a whole post buddy.

Honestly mini, I’m glad people like you exist :slight_smile:

You entertain me so much more than all those dull hollywood comedies. Most of my entertainment now comes from watching fox news, the Westboro Baptist Church, crazy homophobic christians, creationist christians and american neonazis on youtube. I’m seriously addicted to american biggots!

So if there’s a Straight Pride! Hell yeeeeees! You guys rock my world! Seriously, you should actually make this a thing. Have a parade and all, film it and send it to me! (Not kidding)

Just this conversation made my day! :slight_smile:

I know I’m going to be in deep shit for posting this but i don’t really give a shit xD My friend sent this to me for the thread
!Kids beware!

Yeah no… This should have been removed asap…

Now that’s just screwed up on so many levels…

If gays could have just accepted they had rights
You could have just accepted that we like having pride parades.
I mean, its not like the pride parades come marching in your bedroom and poor glitter everywhere and leave rainbow flags behind are they?


So chill out.

The only reason i’m not chilling out relaxing my day is cuz of this bigot post…

You’re getting worked up about me posting about straight pride? I could say the same about you and gay pride!

Hahaha mini, please learn to read the posts you quote.

You are only making me laugh at how silly you are being :joy::joy:

Mini don’t be a pussy and give her some Leviticus 20:13!

Perhaps you are the one reading wrong.

Apart from gay pride isn’t straight up offending anyone. They’re defending their right to be gay, not trying to take away your right to be straight.

I know this is kinda sad, but when the supreme court decision was made, I was more excited to see the butthurt opposition than to see the supporters. I support the decision wholeheartedly though, just I agree with Ducky.

Good Idea!

“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.”

Ducky, just… <3

#nohomo :wink: But then again, that’s all fine now, remember.

Sorry, deleted my post to add a photo

Oh, and to answer your question:

Because it’s fucking cruel.

It’s good to use the modify button instead!

You just justified the right to murder someone according to the bible.

Which btw there is this neat thing called separation of church and state… so i would advise to not go killing people.

Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. Leviticus 19:19 - well fuck

No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the LORD. Deuteronomy 23:1 NRSV - Sorry testicular cancer patients.

“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12)

“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” (Ephesians 5:22)

Do we really wanna start quoting this terrible binding of paper?


Remind him that the bible is the word of god, so it does not get old!

Serious I feel like I’m doing all the work for you, and I don’t even believe in this shit! Up the level man!

LOL ducky, this is hilarious.