Straight Pride (Re: Gay pride threads)

You shall keep my statutes. You shall not let your cattle breed with a different kind. You shall not sow your field with two kinds of seed, nor shall you wear a garment of cloth made of two kinds of material."


Keep quoting the old testament. lel.

If you really read, There is tons of good information. I learned a bunch from just today!

I never thought of that! So yes! As you say Ducky!


Congrats for reaching 4th place in most posted thread! (And most hated!)

Whoops. Here’s me at Pride 8)

Would you say that slavery, anti-women’s rights, not wearing a poly blend shirt, murder, buying your neighbour’s daughter after raping her and all sorts of lovely stuff in the bible are “good information”?

Here’s a neat link for you Mini

It’s about how the bible is misused to condemn homosexuality.

I think you should really buy this book.

Be Straight Pride Thread on PCB Server

Be -15 downvotes


Still not locked

People raging and moaning left and right

Trolling level 9,000

@minikitkat1 plz stop spreading hate, you are bringing everyone down, and you are making PCB a bad place, if you want people to know about what you have to say, go post it on some useless website for people like you, signed, -whbilbo btw, i am straight, but i fully support gay rights, plz try and be considerate

I think it’s not locked yet as it’s an actual discussion.

I’m honestly enjoying reading this

At this point, it’s on the level of entertainment. Even so, if mini wants the thread gone, I will remove it.

1: Why do you hate the act of being gay?
I was raised against homosexuality.

2: Why are you of the position that all Christians are very much against homosexuality?
The reason that Christians are against homosexuality is because the Bible mentions and forbids homosexuality.

4: Seriously, are you trolling for reactions?


For counter arguments to all of your points, please re-read this entire thread. :slight_smile:

Thank you, have a nice day.



Being a diverse community, I would say most people here can tolerate what’s going on.

In saying that though, as a diverse community, that isn’t contained within one over-arching physical or social boundary, I would like to point out that some of these comments would be considered illegal in some jurisdictions because they are in breach of anti-discrimination legislation.

Comments such as religious discrimination and sexual discrimination.

As such, I suggest the thread be deleted. But i’ll leave that to the the Staff to decide.

The bible does not ‘forbid’ homosexuality, it only specifically forbids homosexual intercourse. Homosexuality as a sexual orientation or 2 women or 2 men being in a monogamous relationship outside of marriage is NOT forbiden.

I suggest you read up on your facts.

P.S. It’s forbidden in the old testament, which also forbids wearing clothing made of more than 1 fabric and commands women obey men and remain silent. So i’d say that comment is rather redundant.

Personally I don’t feel anyone has been discriminative towards religion, from what I can remember. People have argued some points from the bible and expressed their belief that some are dumb, but no one has said anything along the lines of “You shouldn’t be religious” or insulted someone for being religious.

I don’t think the thread should be deleted. There is some interesting discussion and some very valid points made, in between the silly posts.

Basically this.

The picture of satan licking Jesus’s arsehole and fondling his genitals ring a bell?

Hi im Niko, im the guy who gives -0 fucks :smiley:

I heard an interesting quote on talk radio the other day ( i won’t quote it, because I will butcher it) but it was akin to this: One has the right to be excited about something, but does not have the right to necessarily expect another to be as excited for the same reason.

I can respect both sides of the discussion, and can also see flaws in both premises.

One thing I did note while reading this thread was the negative commentary coming from both sides. Although I do not agree with everything mini had stated, I disagree less with the comments directly calling him names and poking fun at him. I firmly believe in attacking an idea, not a person (or a group of people) Most of us know and realize that English is his first language, and yet people have focussed on semantics. If mini feels strongly about tis particular issue, what difference does it really make to anyone else. If people want to celebrate being gay or straight, let them; but why get upset when the other wants to celebrate? As the old adage goes, "If you don’t have anything nice to say… "