Changes to Gameplay

Out of all that has been discussed here, I have a few points to state.

  1. I agree that mob spawners have been abused, however, I believe it should stay as the game intended - meaning it should drop items/xp. Money is too easy to get from xp farms, so I think that should be removed. This would encourage economy and make money something that came from effort, not the amount of time you can leave your computer on, which me and lots of other people are guilty of. :'C

  2. While I agree that homes should be limited, 2 is too few. Let’s say, 1 home is used for your main base, another one for a second home somewhere. However, what about any extra bases/homes people build? Or maybe a shared project, which are too hard to actually get to legitimately/slow flying.

  3. There is one concern I have for members+ having access to warps. I’m not sure if this has been discussed before, but we need new players to be able to look around the server, so that they would see the types of buildings/towns that exist here and make their decisions whether to become a part or leave.

That’s all I have for now, it’s been a long day.

Ok, I’ll clarify my previous post. In my test setup I am using a new mob rewards plugin. This plugin ONLY affects money and not items or EXP. That means you will always get EXP and drops for any mob you kill regardless of it being from a spawner or not.

The plugin will only give 5% of the normal value of money if the mob comes from a spawner. That means you can harvest your arrows/blaze rods/string etc all you like. The only thing we are concerned about is people earning $5k+ in one day just from standing in front of a mob spawner.

I agree with this entirely. Money from spawners is a bit much, but if you keep items and xp, as sip said, someone has to have the money to buy them from you in the first place, and if you aren’t selling them then there is no damage to the economy. There is still the chance that you will run into a dungeon, or a blaze spawner, stronghold, abandoned mine etc, and get completely owned and lose everything. xD

Homes, yeah 2 is maybe a bit low. Perhaps you could purchase more than 2? For example, a 3rd home would be 100, a 4th 200, 5th 500 etc. The more you have the more expensive they get, a percentage increase perhaps?

Goof, I agree with you on the first 2 points but the 3rd has already been solved in my opinion. Special said he is allowing EVERYONE the use of button warps. This means that the warps will work for guests but they have to step on the plate or hit a button to go somewhere else.

I like that system because it still encourages some manual travel. This is especially good for guests.

What do we do when the spawn warp place gets filled with warps, and someone wants their town to have a warp? Are we going to have some city/towns that are doing better than others in spawn get the spot? Or are we just going to say “to bad, maybe if you woulda done it faster, you coulda had a warp here”? :stuck_out_tongue: The reason i ask this is because, when we go public, some new guest may manage to make an AWESOME city, but the spawn may be filled up with not so decent city warps.

I see no reason we can’t accommodate more than 100 warps. Just like how the module was expanded, so too can the warp area. Heck, if buttons work too, we can fill walls with em!

Lol. That would be funny to see a wall filled with warps. Some of them being so high up that the person has to have a fly mod. XD

Could put them on a wall which isn’t vertical :stuck_out_tongue: Like a stepped wall.

Relink an unused warp to it then. Some towns will most likely be abandoned eventually

I know, i was just saying that would be kinda funny. :stuck_out_tongue:

Well since were going public i can use tnt traps for unwanted guests.

I guess a tnt trap isn’t such a bad idea. :stuck_out_tongue: As long as you don’t mess it up and blow all of your home up. XD

I believe that the spawn warps will be expanded once they become filled…

Yeah, i like how the warps look in their own little booth. That i think would look better than having a giant wall of china full of warps. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cliffside STILL doesn’t have a warp booth >.>

Also, I like the idea of little-to-no money from grinders. I personally use(d) my skele grinder for arrows and XP, not cash…

If tnt will be allowed, how are we suppose to trace tnt damage? Will lb be able to detect who made the tnt, and are we able to rollback the damage done?

You can rollback tnt, and you can trace who has placed it.

So if we place a redstone block on a damaged structure by a tnt, will we instantly see who placed the tnt? Or do we have to find where the tnt was originally placed to know who placed it?

I was wondering that too.

The TNT unbanning will be a problem with griefing but i cant say anything yet until a post about the rules with it comes to the fourms!