I’ve been super busy with lots of things, and also just been a bit of an anti-PCB mood. (Nothing against the server or community, just haven’t been feeling like getting on, for whatever reason.) I’ve still been monitoring forums and popping my head in every once and a while, but I thought I’d just give a formal notice for my lack of activity. I’ll see if I get re-energized any time soon, but for now, don’t expect to see too much of me in game. Apologies.
I’m finally back with a new and better PC, gonna be working on refurbishing Vos from its grief thats too old for logs and continuing with Yomi’s style of builds. If you want to buy any houses there ask me or Javi.
Going up north to a friends cottage On Lake Huron, i will be back around sunday night, until then, Clauliflower,Jmvvana, and The_Jacob are incharge of Portland, any and all questions regarding the city will be going to them, cya later
I will be absent for a week to two weeks and a half at the most due to exams and other priorities. That will also explain my absence with in the past month. Just got to get some hard core studying done right now and straiten some other things out. Cyaz when I get back! <3