World Edit

Just to clarify for everyone, feel free to ask a staff member to assist you with world edit in Creative, however, please note these 3 points:

  1. The staff are under NO OBLIGATION to do world edit for you. They can if they like, but it is UP TO THEM.

  2. World edit will NOT be used for flattening terrain.

  3. As of 25th June 2015 (today), pestering staff for word edit after they have refused it will incur a 2 DAY TEMP BAN.

Please also bear in mind that only SOP+ and a few select OPs have access to world edit outside of Big City.

We are not given this permission and access to use it for reasons such as convenience, as it can cause some pretty bad lag on the server. We all can manage without using it for personal convenience, so all of you are equally able to.

Sorry if I come off as blunt, but I’m just sick and tired of having me and the server as a whole talked bad of, merely because I (And other staff) follow rules of how it is supposed to be used.

Just to make this even clearer, if someone refuses, don’t pester them.

Some examples of what not to do:

Why not? I want a reason, you can’t just say no. Yes we can! We may have already spent half an hour helping someone else with something. It may seem biased, but that isn’t the intention, we just want to play the game also rather than spend all of our time doing pretty menial tasks. World edit is not at all a necessary part of enjoying the server, so we are not at all obligated to do it for you.

But you helped me earlier me earlier… or But that other staff member helped me earlier… Good for you! Doesn’t mean the situation is the same now, sorry.

Also don’t just hop between staff members to help you. Use common sense. If one staff member is too busy to help, then sure, ask another! If they say no as your request is unreasonable - for example, clearing land that you could easily do yourself and you’re just being lazy, or an area too large to safely do without crashing the server - don’t ask again.

Two more things I have witnessed from noobs pestering staff:
People wanting a small job done when it was probably quicker to just do it by hand.
e.g. OMG ITS JUST FORTY BLOX ITS NOT GONNA CRASH TEH SERVER Correct. It’s just forty blocks. Do it yourself.
And people wanting an eyesore job done.
e.g. OMG ITS NOT LIKE ITS JUST FORTY BLOX ITS HUGE I NEED WORLDEDITZ FOR TIHS Correct. It may be more than just forty blocks, but if it’s huge, it’s probably going to look flat, uniform and boring as hell.
In summary, size is not the only reason for deciding whether or not something really requires W/E. It might just be that it shouldn’t be done at all. Want to build a Great Wall of China? Sure, just don’t beg/order the staff to w/e a four-kilometre long strip of quartz for you. That’s going to be a complete eyesore and, unless the 4km has been marked out in advance, would probably cut straight through someone’s house.

  • note: these are responses (not exact words, it was a while ago, I can’t remember who said it or to whom) given after a staff member said no. -

When ruby tried giving me world edit a while ago in big city after i applied for it, it didn’t work and i didn’t get it for some reason. Anyone know why?

Nvm i have it now :slight_smile:

world edit would be nice, but i can see why the admins wont give it out alot, i understand tho :smiley:

Im currently building a large bridge over water (roughly 700 blocks long total), due to the proximity of my city to the world border, I can’t follow the land and need to bridge water. After checking with Amphi, he said the bridge is allowed. I have started constructing the bridge, but its turned out to be a very lengthy process due to the sheer size. I was hoping to get W/E help in order to speed it along a bit. It would be greatly appreciated.

I understand if you believe it’s not warranted. But it would save me days (possibly more likely weeks) of work on one bridge.

The co-ordinates I have started the bridge from are:

X: 7820 Y: 64 Z: 6390

The co-ordinates where I plan to terminate the bridge are:

X: 7820 Y: 64 Z: 5710

Thanks for taking the time to consider,
VRA :stuck_out_tongue:

Thank god there’s finally some rules set down for this, it’s been driving me crazy.

edit: I’m glad I’m finally seeing this because I didn’t think there were rules before… good looks man

VRA, I did what I could to help you. I hope it’s what you wanted. It was a lot of work just getting a template of your road to continue the bridge. You have some fixing to do, but it should help lots.

Wow, thanks Kyle!
I actually haven’t been over there to see it yet (working on the other side of the city),
i’m sure I can fix it up :slight_smile:


As I hope some of you are aware I am a rather mediocre medieval builder, on the old map I build the towns of Jamestown, Oakwell, Seaspear (without a warp) and Ilirea, I also entered as Austria in the world expo.
Currently on this server I am building the town of Winterly. This is currently quite a large town, with its own palace (of my creation and design), a large cathedral, a huge incomplete castle, called Winterly Rock and other things, including a train connection. Oakwell, my first ever warp on this map had large walls around it, I am hoping to do the same with Winterly. However, since Winterly is a lot bigger than Oakwell the walls are also going to have to be a lot bigger. The walls will be following one pattern (3 blank walls, 1 with a “Holy Spanner” on), and it will be 100s (about 700) of blocks long. The walls will be 14 blocks high, and with a gap of 3 between them. Each section of the wall is 8 blocks wide, with one on each side of the wall. I have calculated roughly 150 sections, having guessed the total number of ground blocks the wall will be touching to be 1,400. With the 14 block high wall this will take the number of blocks I will have to place to be about 20 thousand. This does not however take into acount the number of blocks for flooring, or battlements, or extra blocks used for gatehouses. I have estimated this to take the cost up to 26,000 blocks.
I’m sure you can all see the sheer scale of this project that I have undertaken. Because of this projects vast size I am asking for some World Edit help. I shall, if you approve my application, design a section of 3 of my “wall segments” for you to copy all over the wall. This will vastly reduce build time, and possibly prevent me going insane out of boredom. I have, however, got curves in my walls, which I shall be building and designing myself.
I have informed the late Yoshi of my “project” and he does indeed think that I do need world edit help

I would be incredibly grateful if you would accept my offer, and help me:


Here are some stats for it:
(all just rough)
150 segments
On the inside section there are 660 ground blocks.
14 blocks high
9 blocks segment width (1 support block, 8 face blocks)
26,000 total blocks
20,000 wall blocks
4000 floor blocks
1000 battlement blocks
400 torches
600 extra gatehouse blocks

Anyone? Plz? Boost!

It’s probably not a good idea to do large worldedit tasks right now, it seems like they may be causing corruption issues.

2000 POSTS LEL!!! XD LEL!!!

I did hear about that ‘incident’ with Harry and his maze runner platform. If this world edit problem and corruption issues get fixed, then maybe? Or will I have to build it myself?

Hey, I have a w/e request… I have made a few aircraft for my museum (yes, another) however since I need/needed to flatten terrain, I built them elsewhere. I was wondering that once I flatten my terrain, a staff could move them to where they need to be?



Hi guys,

It has been a long time since I was last on- a lot has change, bare with me- still trying to wrap my head around everything, my old username was vizzone1

Okay… so… Would it be possible for me to have access to world edit for my builds? I completely understand if I don’t get the access, but it would really save me a lot of time.

P.S. Apologies if this isn’t the forum for asking world edit privileges :slight_smile:

This is a fine thread to post in.
As long as an SOP or Admin is cool with it, and you know how to use world edit, I see no reason why you shouldn’t have access.

i was wondering if a donater like me can get it too ?

Only some members of the staff are allowed to have W/E. Members, Trusted, Donators and Mods have no access to World Edit. If you want mountains removed or flatten large areas of terrain, you have to ask a member of the staff who has WE privileges to do it for you.

It’s for BigCity. Rules are different.