USA Minecrafters, suggest me a holiday!

Hey guys, I am thinking of going on a US holiday in January. I’ll have about 20 days there flying in to either New York or LA. What places should I visit? East or west coast?

Somewhere in the east coast!

Id say Sioux falls, SD but theres not much to do here…unless you like wal-mart and McDonalds. Most of the pools and stuff are closed along with parks and stuff.

visit west

Australia Day on the 26th of January?

New York and LA are pretty much the same. Everyone’s a cunt and think they’re better than the other city. They both have bad crime problems, smell awful, and look worse.
The only real difference is the climate and their rapidly decaying entertainment industries.

Depends what you want to look at. Cities or nature shit?

I’d say west for both really.
You have LA and Las Vegas to cover your chaotic city needs, and then places like Bryce Canyon, Zion Canyon, The Grand Canyon etc all not too far away. If you want some photos of Bryce or Zion, or other similar places to see what they’re like, let me know. Or just google them I guess… :smiley:

Don’t do it!


I’d say West. San Diego especially is a nice area. I found LA disappointing. Downtown looks pretty good, but the rest is a bit meh…

And if you do go West;

It’s too small for the amount of people that go and the staff all seemed like the number of people was a new thing. They generally couldn’t handle the crowds, which meant you couldn’t walk anywhere without walking at queue speed.
I’ve heard Universal is better in Florida. And although the San Diego/LA area is good for amusement parks, if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re much better off in Florida.

Wherever you go though, in the smaller towns at least, people are really friendly.

Florida’s is decent.

Florida is is decent.

Florida’s decent*

Florida’s (Universal) is decent.*

I personally think San Franscico is nice, in January it will be nice and cool. there is little smog and a ton of thibgs to do. Its a 5hour drive/45min flight from LA. If you wanna waist time seeing the goldwn coast drive up highway 1.

Pssst, go to Florida and you have 4 different amusement parks, such a Disney land, Universal, Epcot, and Busch Gardens. Its nice weather now that summer if finally over and if you get a hotel near the coast you can go swimming in the beach. If you want to go to the beach go to the Miami beach which is much clearer than some of the other beaches, you just won’t find any good shells and it might be crowded. Plus you will be near me and shadow :smiley: !

Michigan is is fun if you have the time vist Machinac Island it is pretty fun.

P.S. Florida is pretty fun but too much American as a small town would be


If you plan on driving distances I think driving up Highway 1 to San Francisco could be quite good. Can visit lots of places, San Diego, LA, Santa Barbara, Monterey, Santa Cruz, and end off in San Francisco and possibly fly back out of SFO. It’s quite the drive, but it sure beats going through Central California via Highway 5.

That all sounds nice.

What I think I might do if i can afford it is:
Fly into LAX
Rent a car and drive:
Los Angeles - San Diego - Pheonix - Grand Canyon - Las Vegas
Fly to New York and spend a week there
Take a train down to DC
Fly to San Fransisco
Rent a car and go down highway 1 back to Los Angeles
Fly home

Hmm. This might be too expensive.

You never returned the first car. ijs.

Now to find a flight that is less than $2700…

A lot of the time, you can return cars to other locations the rental place is partnered with.

That trip sounds very busy. If you do go for amusement parks, you better plan for a little break after. They are sure to tire you out.

Did you find anyone to travel with yet?