Survival Build Contest - Sailing away to Kuribo!

[size=10pt]Alright, so this is my first contest on the server, so here’s my shot at this! Kuribo and Valandia are both cities located on/near sea, and yet, there is not ONE SINGLE boat to be seen. Not enough action is going on in Kuribo for my likes, and since I’ve been such a design Nazi for my town, I want to give a chance for people to leave an impression on the town, aside from when I’ll integrate a freebuild area.

[size=10pt]I’ve set up multiple build perimeters around the town. Claim whichever one you’d like. If no spots are left open, contact me about it, I will then create you a spot. The sizing of these spots are not set in stone, you can widen and lengthen them as you please. The contest ends April 1st.[/b]

Rules are simple;
[size=10pt] NO COBBLESTONE, unless it is as a decorative aspect.
Please refrain from building if you are not gonna finish your project, all of these will be a permanent addition to the town.
Individual styling is GREATLY encouraged, but you can team up and build a project in small teams. The prizes will be divided if this happens.
Three b[/b] winners will be picked. I will pick winners based off of each individual style and the ones that appeal to both me and Guibo the most.
Every contestant who completes his/her project will also earn a $500 in-game cash prize from me for simply having completed a build in my town.

[size=10pt] 1st $5,000 in game cash, an enchanted pick, an enchanted helmet.
2nd $3,500 in game cash, an enchanted helmet.
3rd $1,500 in game cash, 3 diamonds.

I’m iiinnnnn! :slight_smile:

Those are small plots for any kind of detailed boat that I would build, I’m out.

Brodur; You clearly haven’t read the rules. :stuck_out_tongue:
The plots aren’t set in stones, they’re made to be expanded. I just set them there for players who do not fly to be able to start off from somewhere. You can expand your area as large as you’d like. PLEASE JOIN ME, I AM BEGGING YOU! D:

Im in! Thats some fancy info designing you got going there too :o

Thanks babe, tried to make it as attracting as possible. :stuck_out_tongue: I’m an old Gaia user, and always had to have awesome art shops, so I know coding a bit.

i never do build contests but why not, just once (needing extra moneyz)

You get a for sure $500 when you complete your build. :3

so your telling me, even though my builds are shit, i will still get 500?

If so im in!

if not well the only thing im good at building is circles ._.

I just noticed that

  1. Its in survival…
  2. i only have great amounts of cobble…

Smelt your stone, there’s forests all around the area (dark oak), as well as a sheep farm. I will provide you with any tools you need. My town also has an auto furnace next to the mine. :3

We got the resources, yo.

This is really terrible timing since there’s already a big build contest going on…

Well, it’s a smaller scale competition, and it’s also a survival one… So at least when you get bored of creative, you can come to survival and work on something else. :stuck_out_tongue:

$TheUKOctopus = “busydoingcodingstuff”;

if($TheUKOctopus === “busydoingcodingstuff”){
$takePart = false;
echo “Aww! Sorry!”;
$takePart = true;
echo “Yay!”;

I’m in. When does it end?

Sure, I’m in. I never get to enter the contests since I’m always the one who makes them :stuck_out_tongue:

I did read the rules, but that rule was not in the rules, rather in the caption of the lot sizes, therefore your argument is invalid and Brodur is awesome as ever.

Nobody likes a smartass Brodur.

But I do D: it makes the rest of you so much smarter :smiley:

It’s okay, you proved me wrong. :stuck_out_tongue:
But yeah,


And contest ends in a month or so.

I have a question. Can i make a small 1 person boat that actually works so i have something to go off of? Im planning on making a bigger version of the only boat in MC