Straight Pride (Re: Gay pride threads)

The picture of satan licking Jesus’s arsehole and fondling his genitals ring a bell?

Hi im Niko, im the guy who gives -0 fucks :smiley:

I heard an interesting quote on talk radio the other day ( i won’t quote it, because I will butcher it) but it was akin to this: One has the right to be excited about something, but does not have the right to necessarily expect another to be as excited for the same reason.

I can respect both sides of the discussion, and can also see flaws in both premises.

One thing I did note while reading this thread was the negative commentary coming from both sides. Although I do not agree with everything mini had stated, I disagree less with the comments directly calling him names and poking fun at him. I firmly believe in attacking an idea, not a person (or a group of people) Most of us know and realize that English is his first language, and yet people have focussed on semantics. If mini feels strongly about tis particular issue, what difference does it really make to anyone else. If people want to celebrate being gay or straight, let them; but why get upset when the other wants to celebrate? As the old adage goes, "If you don’t have anything nice to say… "

That’s not really insulting anyone for being Christian or telling someone they shouldn’t be Christian. I can see why it might offend Christians, but it doesn’t necessarily fit the criteria…

I am gay! i dont understand why people treat us different we are still humans you know… girls are funny and cool to hang around with and so are boys. Hardly anyone at my school knows i am gay, ahhaha. But i do not understand why Christians do not accept us… Isn’t god suppose to be all loving?? and to make people feel proud on who they are?

Watch this video. This is one of the reasons they fight for this. So they don’t get treated like they do in the video (Russia). Idk why people alienate them. They are just as human as you are.

So you managed to actually voice an opinion you knew you would get backlash for? First off what the hell is wrong with you? Your ignorance disgusts me so much as someone who has had to face the struggles of dealing with sexuality uncertainty since a young age so yea #BeginRant

When I was about 6 or 7 I was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. From a young age I’ve had to suffer the attention from bullies who were unaware of this and would poke fun at me because somedays I had one personality and other days I would have another. Something completely unrelated to sexuality did not make me a very happy child for the most part. I struggled with the type of person I wanted to be, material things/interests/hobbies to take, clothes to wear, everything you can think of I’ve probably had to seriously consider for myself as a child and a teenager. I was very pathetic. I hardly have any friends from childhood still in my life because everyone had hurt me so much. I was mostly criticized by males particularly. Females I could secretly confide in and talk to about the hurt I had to deal with. Females became my friends mostly throughout middle and high school. I can only recall two guy friends that I had, but couldn’t keep close due to unanticipated distance.

I was known as the ladies man. I could have any girl. They all wanted to be my friend because they knew I was outcasted from the rest of the guys in my school. People legit felt bad for me that I had no close guy friends. It took me long enough to realize when I was maybe about 13 or 14 that the reason why I had turned to girls for close friends was because I feared other guys. However, I was very intrigued and desired to have a consistent guy friend in my life. It was when I first started developing an interest in guys. I had plenty of girls in my life to appreciate, but I just was not interested in what they had to offer with their drama/bullshit (or at least the ones in my life). I never had a serious relationship in high school though I did desire to have one with one of my girl best friends or one with a guy because closeness and trust is all I really wanted as a teenager.

But you know what’s funny? After all the shit I’ve had to deal through and the hurt and the disloyalty I’ve experienced firsthand I still cannot identify with a specific sex. I don’t care what your gender is. If you are nice to me and show interest, the feelings may or may not be mutual. Some say the label would be pansexual, but I cannot say that about me because I just hate hate with a strong passion any label. Liking either sex is NOT a choice, it is what is - NATURAL. For you to hate the act of being gay is very offensive to me because I do not choose to have a life of hardships. I don’t personally like pride because to me it seems like an excuse to wave around your sexuality. I’ve never and probably may never attend - BUT that does not mean I don’t have respect for others that think differently and celebrate pride the way the majority of gays want and should celebrate it. Have some damn respect. Dump the ignorance for an open-mind because it seems like you’re losing a lot of respect for your outspokenness against others.


Sorry to hear about your struggles Mark. I hope you don’t suffer from the same uncertainty anymore.

Apologize for offending you. Please note that I realize that others have feelings and they can be very hurt. I too have been bullied for a disorder but that is irrelevant here. In this quote you say that you started developing an interest in guys at a later age. (Not too late) This would suggest that it is not genetics that forces someone to be gay or not.

I must say that I too am offended by the gays. I do not like when they wave their “new rights” in my face with the gay pride. Now that I have opposed to this by using straight pride. Straight pride is the same as gay pride but from a straight perspective. I am doing the same thing and yet I am still attracted viciously.

Now that I’ve realized this I am dying to know,

Why are you attacking this thread so much when it is the same as the others!?!?

Also somehow I feel all my posts are being down-voted because I made the main post in the first place. not because those individual posts are bad…

Not really, as he said this is closer to pansexual than homosexual, meaning he still has attraction to some girls, not just guys. If someone is gay they will likely realise it sooner as they would only be attracted to the same sex. I’m not going to try and explain this as I know pretty much nothing about pansexuaity.

To me I wouldn’t say it’s the same. This thread seems against homosexuality, whereas any gay pride type threads I’ve seen have just celebrated the LGBT stuff, rather than attacking heterosexuals.

I understand you have different views, but you have been expressing them in a somewhat offensive way.

What Liam said. There’s a difference between “Congrats, LGBT+ community. marriage is legal in US!” and “Gays are trying to garner attention and I hate what they do”. In the first scenario, no one’s preference on how to live is seen as wrong, sinful, bad, etc. because those who are gay, bi, etc. aren’t going up to christians and saying “Yo man, should try going gay. Really much better than your stupid heterosexuality” or anything to that extent. Yet this thread’s main purpose and intent is really nothing but homophobic, where you’ve clearly expressed your beliefs that you feel homosexuality is detestable, where, yeah, people will attack you for that.

Try to have more tact in your posts regarding this subject at later times, so you can spark debate, not cause outrage.

the gays have been making great nuisance to those of us who are straight.

I fail to see how someone else’s actions effect yours. I fail to see how what two loving, consenting people do behind closed doors effects you. Being straight myself, I do not associate with the idea that “the gays” are being a nuisance.

Now that the gays have gained rights, it seems many people now despise Christians because they are very much against it.

Not all Christians are against gay marriage. Coming from a christian family, while being agnostic myself, I can also assure you that I do not feel persecuted, nor do I persecute Christians.

Why don't we straights stand up and act the same as the gays and attempt to get attention from our sexuality?

There is nothing wrong with having pride in your sexuality, anyone who has pride in being heterosexual is entitled to do so, and anyone who would disagree is no better than a homophobe. In this case however, we have nothing to stand up for. Our sexuality is not under attack. Nobody is infringing on the rights of heterosexuals.

Overall, I think you to get some perspective in your life. Consider how the “opposition” has it; their opinions and how they might feel.

I do not understand why people are against People being gay. Firstly, some of you might know that i am gay. but i am shocked that many of you are against people who like the same sex. What is the point of living if you are being force to love women if you are gay or if you are a lessiben and you have to be forced to love men. How would you feel? its unfair! we have feelings, we are still human.

If you are a Christian why are you against us? why is it a sin? what’s wrong with being gay or lessiben? doesn’t god want us to be happy? or does he want us to feel miserable?

So many countries are legalising gay marriage now. People are now only understanding that this will change the world. I am shocked and stunned on what the Vatican said '‘this is the end of humanity’ i was very angry to hear this. I am starting to believe that religion is homophobic. People like Shane Dawson who is Christian is Gay yet he believes that god is with him.

Theres a lot more things christians ( I am one) should be worried about. I.e. world hunger, homelessness, porn, not going to church on sunday.

Like literallly, no one would choose to be gay in this era. Can you become gay? Probs not by choice, vice versa for them.

Also this is great for kids in shelters and without family. There has been no correlation with them getting any less from a fay couple which also divorce less as well from what Ive heard.

Btw wrote on my phone, dont h8 m8

Are you kidding me? I realized I did not like either more than the other at a reasonable age that people even start having feelings or knowledge about sexuality. It was natural, there was no choice or decision in why it was that way. I absolutey was born the way I am, pre-determined to get BPD and born to not physically care or be attracted to what you have for genitalia.

Yes. Yes they are. You know why? Because they’re against something. Gays aren’t against straights (generally speaking). Of course there are going to be bad apples who are genuinely anti-heterosexual, but there are bad apples in all groups. And with all due respect, you seem to be turning into one.
There’s a difference between passive and active. Gay pride is passive, they’re for something, not against the opposite. Your post strikes me as fairly active, because it’s actually against something. There’s a difference, a fine line not to be crossed.
In my opinion, someone was going to sooner or later.


My view in a nutshell.


…Nope. Not their fault.

Oh, of course, it must be the fault of the persecuted groups. Of course they would want to make life harder for themselves and face persecution.

Gay pride parades are (supposed to be, without bad apples) celebrations of equality drawing ever nearer. Although I see why a straight pride parade would, in theory, not be a bad thing, I think most people are taking offence at the rest of your thread.

Just no.
Saying something like that is definitely trolling. Intentionally posting things in order to get downvotes? Reddit already seen this shit. Reddit don’t like.


That… that is not bragging.
A great thing happened. They’re celebrating. When you have a birthday party, do your friends complain that you’re bragging about a new life milestone? No! They’re happy for your happiness.
When your birthday comes around, if you even so much as let off a virtual firework in celebration, by your logic, you should prepare for many people to be butthurt.

You, as you have said, have a cat that looks like a game cat from Legend of Zelda.

Does this really need to keep dragging on?

He’s not going to change his opinion, regardless of how many of you are butthurt about the things he has been saying. Its obviously the way he sees things and most of you who’ve replied have gone all out in your replies trying to either attack his opinion or make him change his views.

NO I’m not against being gay (fig 1.;topicseen#new)

Your opinion is your opinion, and you can’t be butthurt if others don’t like your opinion. But for you to just attack this group of people on the premise of being a Catholic is just moronic. YOU ARE MAKING CATHOLICS LOOK VERY BAD RIGHT NOW! This is a big reason I stopped being religious.

My honest opinion on the matter without making a witty comment or joke like I usually do is that I don’t think it was right for him to openly attack and single out a group. I know I’ve done this before (my last ban) but at least I realized what I did made me look like a complete shithead and lost me alot of respect that I’ve hopefully now slowly gained back from many of you.

LET MOTHERFUCKERS BE HAPPY! Seriously! If it doesn’t affect you WHATSOEVER why are you bitching? Do you really have nothing else going on in your life that’s more important? Go attack this group someplace else where people won’t be greatly offended by your selfish comments. If you were to say something this stupid in a public place you would start a huge argument that would most likely grow into a fight if you continued.

Seriously, think about it…if everyone around the world for a single day didn’t whine, bitch, moan…just kept to themselves and did whatever made them happy without complaining about someone else’s road to happiness for JUST A DAY. That would be a new Coca Cola commercial.


My gosh… I never intended for this post to be a direct attack to gays. Though it does seem like it, it isn’t. The original post starting this thread was not offensive in any way. (At least I think) But sense people asked questions or objected, I answered them truthfully. You say I am attacking and yet those of you responding in defense, have been attacking even more.
And what the hell Yoshi… Sense when was I bragging about my profile picture? I happen to like The Legend of Zelda and cats. So why not combine them? I didn’t make a whole thread saying, HOORY SHET GUYES MIE KITTEE LOOK LAK LOINK. This thread was standing up for my belief, the same as the gay pride posts. Nothing about the original post was offensive.

This kind of thread will not be tolerated on PCB. Please refrain from making similar ones in the future. Thank you.
