By joining this server you must abide by these simple rules that applies to both servers.
- No griefing - we have zero tolerance towards greifers here.
- Do not harass other players
- Plagarism of other people’s works will be severely punished
- If your work offends a person, or will offend please do not build it. Your work may be removed.
*Griefing is defined as the act of destroying/modifying other builder’s works in order to annoy, or against the wishes of the original builder. Griefing can be spotted by random holes in the ground, or in structures.
Specific rules/Guidelines the creative server:
- Build within allocated zones marked by adminium
- Do NOT tunnel outside of your zone unless permission is granted by operators; this will be seen as griefing.
- A Builder may ask for his/her own map.
- Pixel art should be built in Pixel, city builds in guestcity and freebuilding in flatgrass.
Specific Rules/Guidelines for Bigcity
- A guideline: NO BOX HOUSES >:(. Simple. Otherwise god will kill more kitties.
- Build within zones and build appropriate to type of zone
- Be very careful with active_water, fire and magma as they will spill/cause much damage. Even ops stuff up a lot using them!
Specific rules/Guidelines the beta server:
- No boats, TNT, Fire, repeating redstone circits or constantly moving minecarts, all cause lag
- Do NOT travel to the farlands AT ALL
- Do not steal from other peoples chests, it helps if you protect your own using /cprivate
- Build out of site from spawn.