I’d like to suggest that players could purchase maps of their own by means of using cookies.
How is this gonna work?
When a player builds something, they /review.
OPs+ will review their build, and give them a verdict and cookies in return.
When the player has enough cookies (Like 500), they can purchase their own map by paying it to ops.
Their build can only be reviewed once. They cannot choose who will review them. (Prevents favoritism)
There will be no limitations on the rank, anyone can buy a map.
Advbuilders get 1 free map of their own, if they want more, they have to buy.
Same for ProBuilders, they get 3 free maps of their own, and they can buy more if they want to.
This will finally make a use for cookies, since there’s no use for it atm. Although, if this will be implemented, all cookies must be reset.
Probable cost and map size :
500 cookies - 128x128x128 map
1500 cookies - 256x256x256 map
2000 cookies - Any custom size they want
I actually thought of letting players buy ranks, but Hard says its a bad idea.
Nice idea. I think it would really work. All my cookies have been piling up anyways. This will give all the players a little more motivation to build well. Good thinking kedji. Keep up the good work
we had that for awhile. it was called /ecobuy it cost around 120-230 cookies. you could buy your rank up to, i think, builder. now that cmd is set to admin, thanks fatso or whoever did that. i wouldnt mind if it was set to op just so us ops could change our titles at will. (i think thats a bad idea x.x)
but I noticed there aren’t that many senior operators around. or at least not that often. so if this went into affect, i believe, the map cmd would have to lowered to operator. sure once in awhile a group of sop+ come on. but that happens, what, 2 times per 6 weeks?
we either have to lower that cmd or promote the various operators to Senior operators. I would actually like to see the map cmd lowered to op. im actually scared to see some of these various operators promoted to senior op.
its the command or the rank. Personally i would love to be SOP xD. but i know that wont ever happen. but i trust about 2 of the operators now…so if any other ways come up besides the Promotion or lowering the command. im all ears.
Lone thing tO keep in mind. CLEAR ALL THE DAMN COOKIES FROM PLAYERS AND GIVE EM TO US OPS. How about instead of cookies we do gold ingot or diamond gem?