Purchaseable maps.

I want to keep cookies D:

I prefer cookies as well. Should this be a vote?

Lets rename them to something cooler, like “Burritos” or “Cupcakes” or “Tortillas”! :stuck_out_tongue:


Should I try to install this thing? I would like to hear from Fatso and other SOP+ for classic.

I don’t see any downsides besides a bit of more work for ops, why not give it a week and if its successful, let it stay, otherwise remove it.

Sure, why not.

Ok, I am adding this in now. Things to note. I changed the prices a bit.

Flat is Default.
64 64 64 map is 500
128 128 128 is 1000
256 256 256 is 1500

I have set it so you can buy 3 maps total.

Oh, and can someone clear the current cookie count? I have looked, and I don’t see how we can empty all player’s money.

Side note, this same feature is built into the /eco command. Proper tweaking of it would likely be better. Bah!

YES YES AWW THANK YOU FOR BRINGING THIS UP!!! WOOOO HOOOOO! but i still like the diamond gem idea XD

We are keeping COOKIES >:( Andd that sounds good Kyle. I don’t think there is a way to do it not manually though :confused:

I like food xD

Price list looks good Kyle, but should we clear everyone’s cookies one by one or what? Because by typing “/10 3” in game you can find that theres many op- players with more than 10000000 cookies. :o

Question: Are people allow to specify for a smaller map than what they paid for? And are can they pay more for map with terrain already rendered?

Ah, it seems I did not write the commands here.

/buylvl (name of lvl) (small, medium, or large)

The code I used to make this was rather simple. It only makes flat in the sizes specified. I expanded the code to allow for up to three total maps to be bought. This system is just to allow active players to buy their own map without staff around. Granted, they have to earn the cookies for it.

what rank?

doesnt work :l

I found the problem. I knew that commands needed to be re-loaded after each restart for them to work. The thing is, we already have a few custom commands that work without me needing to do this. I had thought it would work automatically because I put the dll file in the right place. It seems there is a script used to auto load commands. I just added it into the auto load script.

TLDR: It should work now.

Why was the cmd removed?
And are we still gonna pay players cookies? It’s kinda uselesss w/out the buylvl cmd.

cough i brought it up cough