PCB Pixelmon! ~Coming Soon~


Added you to mod myth. John, someone moved you from admin. I just threw you there by default as the server is not really playable yet. Plus, your SOP for goodness sake.

We will now be accepting builder applications! If you would like to help then make a builder application, so we can see if you are qualified if you haven’t already. At the moment we have 4 towns in need of being built.

Town Coordinates:
2568 80 -224 Bug Gym Town (Maybe a flowery, bush covered town?)
798 65 -488 Normal Gym Town (Perhaps a Metropolis?)
2434 65 -1926 Ice Gym Town (Icy town I suppose)
-1108 97 2262 Fire Gym Town (Crass and I have been working on this, Crass is leading the creation for this one)

If you have any better ideas for the towns then just message me or Shadow on the forums or if you see me ingame talk to me there.

If you want to lead construction on a town make sure you are able to let other players help you build. Please tell me by PM on what your preference of the town you would like to help with, please note that you aren’t guaranteed that town, but I’ll try to see if I can get you helping with the town of your preference. Also if you would like to lead in building a town post on here which town you would like to build.

Hopefully organizing building teams will make creating the towns easier…

Note: The server itself is still running 1.6.2 so do not update to the newest Pixelmon yet.

Like Sacred said, the new updated Pixelmon is not on the server quite yet, however please be ready to update, as im hoping everything will be updated in the next couple of days. That way we wont have to worry about any Mishaps with caught pokemon (everytime Pixelmon updates, pokemon data is destroyed on Multi) or anything like that.

And we can iron the bugs and glitches that may appear out.

I would love to help build this send me a message when we are going to get started. Plus i vote for the custom map. It will be nice to build something to call our own.

Still need the ip and whitelist if I havent been already

I can’t reach mymcadmin at the moment or else I would add you.

Ill have Hard do it at sometime or another.

In all honesty, atm, it holds 8 people, so untill i can afford to pay spec for the RAM upgrade, i dont really want a TON of people on the whitelist.

Don’t bother bout me atm. I’m still trying to figure out how to re-install pixelmon on my new computer.

Important Reminder
As previously stated, even if your Builder Application is accepted you must message Shadowmeire, Sacreddeathflame, Hard24Get, or myself with your preferred build location and position. Until you do so any building done may been seen as an act of griefing, revoking your whitelist privileges. All towns are going to be the face of this server so we want them to be done correctly and in an organized fashion.

If you are whitelisted feel free to look around the warps to get a feel for which location bets suits you. You may also feel free to send any ideas, text or mock build pics (Singleplayer or PCB Creative), to Shadowmeire, Sacred, Hard24Get or myself, we are open to new ideas. As a reminder, no matter how good a builder you are, you need to apply to be let in. People found to be trustworthy and proficient in WE will be given use to help mold the towns.

For those that wish to lead a city build be aware that you may have to organize with players from varying time zones to keep them in line with the town’s building styles. For those unsure of what town they want to help there’s nothing wrong with working with a build leader that you’re familiar/friendly with.

OK, I’ve got the new Pixelmon update running!

Btw, are players going to be allowed to build their own towns? (as in far away from the official towns)

No, they will not be able to build on the main map. The main towns have already been marked on the map and are awaiting construction. However smaller towns will be made away from the roads and other towns. These towns will not have warps, and could possibly have unique things in them players could find nowhere else. However the item idea is pending approval, and no extraneous towns will be created without approval through Shadow or Sacred.

honestly, im cool with the idea of ‘dirt roads’ being built to player made towns, we just need to come up with a set of guidelines of what will make a town a " Town" in Pixelmon. there could be things like “Loot Markets” and "Healing Stations set up between towns since the map is so big, and it would help people who’re hunting in certain areas with keeping their pokemon in good health

Do I have to download a mod if so it will be my first one and i will need help.

can u add me and tell me the ip so i can have fun in pixelmon

  1. Dat necro
  2. The state of the Pixelmon server is currently unknown (well unknown to me)

Im still waiting to hear from spec on wether or not we can update the server. i dunno what has changed on the mod, but im currently unable to get on due to a change in the mod untill it is updated to the latest one.
As soon as that is complete ill be building like crazy to get this sucker ready

I can help