OH MY GOD! Cant’t wait!!! ;D
the new map is being uploaded soon, so we will be ready to build hopefully this week
I joined for a bit a few days ago. Took me over 8000 blocks of traveling to find a frickin pokecenter. Not sure why, but lag was fairly bad for me. I’m sure it will improve though.
the lag can be kinda intense for a while, but then it loosens up after a while
Wuts the ip?
Even if you had it, the server is whitelisted. I was able to get on because I accessed the admin console and added myself.
can i get added to the list>?
Has the server been up and running? I swear I’ve never seen it online whenever I check the console. And the extra RAM for this server is coming. Very slowly. It is a cheap host and I’m guessing they hope I forget about them. I’ll wait a bit longer then I’ll hassle them again.
from what ive heard, the map was fully uploaded last night, if that is the case we will be whitelisting builders to start getting towns ready the next couple of days. Hard took a map that i gave him with a Road layout, and built the main roads for us, so all we have to do is make towns along the roadsides, and then Player towns can be made with off branching roads off the main roads.
You guys can go ahead and install all the Bukkit plugins you want. I won’t have any time in the next few weeks.
i know that we have WE and nbtedit installed, not sure what else we may need besides /lb and sips ban plugin…
but thanks, we’ll be sure we have everything we need, Spec
wow! this sounds awesome! i know my brother will most likey play on this cause pixelmon is one of the only minecrafts he plays!
sounds Awesome! ;D as soon as everything is up and running, ill make another announcement post and let everyone know how it runs!
Also! for our Donator Rank! there will be a TON of perks given to the donator rank that you wouldn’t normally get in regular PCB! We will have a list of TMs that will be perks for donator, as well as held items such as Lucky Egg and Macho Brace! Also if you donate enough, you will get your choice of a shiny non legendary pokemon!
Is the plan to start everything while the pixelmon plugins are installed, or is the plan to focus on mapwork and town-building and such before pixelmon plugins are installed? I ask because my current pc (as you know) wont be able to handle the pixelmon part, but I really want to help with the mapwork. Either way I’ll be getting a new better working pc in the next few months and can’t wait for this to be a real thing
all the pixelmon stuff is installed already, and honestly we are REALLY close to doing mapwork. atm we are debating on wether or not to install Dynamap to make it easier to locate town locations.
Add me to the whitelist
I added you John.
I got Hard to try and install the dynamic map on there, lets just say we can’t have one as the server crashes whenever we try to load it up.
Also regarding buildings, there are places marked out for towns, but Hard is the only one at the moment who can find out where those areas are. So pretty much we can start building as soon as we can get the areas as to where the towns are. We should also probably try to find out some themes for them…
Can someone add me too please :3 I wanna join the fun when I have time