As the title says we are getting Pixelmon server for PCB!
Now I’m going to keep this short and sweet. We need builders, because we are going to make our very own remake of a pokemon region. Now which region you ask? Well You guys will get to decide! Your options are Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, or a totally brand new custom one.
Now let me get a few facts on pixelmon to influence your votes. So far in Pixelmon there are all the Genration 1 pokemon and some of the other Generations of pokemon are there. But this doesn’t entirely mean we need to go for Kanto, a lot of other servers have the Kanto region already, so we could try to be like them or totally different than other servers. With a custom map we have unlimited possibilites.
Also the reason we are only going to have the options of Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Custom because they would be the best fitting with the amount of pokemon that are available.
Also regarding building, it would be ideal if you’ve played pokemon before and know the area, but if you haven’t and you are a great builder there will be pictures of what everything looks like through the game and what the map should look like. So don’t worry about that.
More things will be added when we progress further into building and stuff like that.
So yeah, more things will be added later on and if you’ve got any questions ask away!
Just a heads up for everyone, the server will be whitelist, and i will be setting up a builder application soon for builders. IF YOU DECIDE TO HELP THE SERVER, you will be required to build the cities in a pokemon-esqu way. We are not building super large overly complex cities. If we do one, for say the Hoenn Region, and you wanna help with Rustboro city, we will be building every building Rustboro to the T.
Honestly, im hoping for a Custom map, we can add EVERY biome in Minecraft in a natural way to help pokemon spawns.
Since biomes are random anyway along with being able to set biomes I think it would be nice to make an all natural overworld allowing lots of new oppurtunities for players to explore new turf
This, I would play. Not saying I can build for shit, but I do know the style it is supposed to be. I voted custom because if we do it that way, we can build any city we really liked from ANY of the games. Vermillion will probably be the hardest. I believe Cinnabar island was the one with missingno and the lab? I want to see that one!
Here is the deal with the towns. We are making all new towns. They will be pokemon-esque, and each will have a theme, but they wont BE the actual towns from any of the games.
Im thinking at least having a Pallet/New Bark Town, type town for the begginning town.
I think a good addition to the custom map is like you mentioned earlier how you would look most forward to Fortree City is that maybe if we distance ACTUAL cities/towns from the originals far enough, maybe we can incorporate quests via button warps or something along the lines and completing the quest within the limited area. (This could later make for a good transition if we choose to make another full out region after the custom one is done)
For world painting purposes. I’m requesting a hand drawn map, scanned/photographed and sent to me for painting. (Please also include the limits for the world size, as I will need to know my size limitations when painting.)
(Jake here, not myles (My brother)) and i might have left but i want to help with this, i’ve grown attached to pixelmon and i think i would have fun helping… so ya plz let me help
I just watched the first ep Yomi. I found myself both laughing and frustrated by it. I laughed due to the nostalgia, but I had to cringe at the stupidity of Red. He really could not figure out that fire did not work well vs water?
That guy’s first lesson was about fighting with the pokemon instead of discussing type differences? If Red had a grass type, no amount of heart or fighting spirit would have let Green win (maybe 10+ levels).
Oh, I was glad to see that the gym leader was not a wuss after all. He just went really easy on Red. I always wondered how people got to be gym leaders with crappy pokemon.
It was a show clearly meant for kids I guess. The action was far better, but the story felt less complex than the original show. I realize they were skipping a lot though.
You have to admit though, it was fucking gorgeous. And if you really think about it, Kyle, He’s 10, and standing back and watching a battle, and being in the heat of battle is a hard difference. Honestly, i wish this had been the TV show instead of that crap with Ash… and that battle between Red and Green… had me tearing up. I chose Charmander as a child… and i always imagined that was what a battle between Squirtle and Charmander LOOKED like… but the screaming in pain… that got to me.
Maybe my issue was with the pacing. So much was crammed in there that it felt rushed. Had the show been extended, heck yes this would have been better. In the first show, I remember Ash losing to Brock and Ash had to learn from his errors. It was more than just a type difference that failed him there. Same thing with the Electric type gym leader. That was probably one of the best fights in the original.
Heck, when Ash was vs Misty, Ash had the clear advantage but still got whooped. THAT was a fight that needed this gym leader’s speech.
Red is a huge Pokemon fan since he was little. Yet he seems to know nothing about them. This makes sense in the games as it is explaining stuff to the player. His ignorance just bugged me (in both shows actually).
Another thing that bothered me was the 2 trainers watching the fight. They were assholes to Red before the fight and all amazed during and after. Was it not VERY clear that Brock went super easy on Red? He even picked just 2 of his Pokemon instead of all 6.
i understand the type advantage thing from being 23, but honestly, when i was 10 playing this, i even had a chart clearly explaining type advantages, but i sure as hell didn’t know that Onix was ground type, and used a Pikachu i caught in Viridian Forest against him… and used a Raticate against a Gastley in Pokemon Tower… I think that what they were trying to get out of this is its ok to not know… and in the Manga, Red was an awesome battler… and honestly didn’t loose much. I do wish they made this into a TV show instead of an OVA, but it wouldn’t have been nearly as beautiful, so im fine with it.