Minecraft 1.8


Already some things are beginning to be leaked out. The ruins are looking pretty cool along with the new mossy stone brick block…

Hmm. I see stone bricks, mossy stone bricks and cracked stone bricks. I believe all 3 are new texture blocks seeing as they just recently updated cobblestone and bricks (and Notch announced that mossy cobblestone texture will also be updated in 1.8 to match the 1.7 cobblestone).

There also appears to be a large chain fence to the right of the middle?

Did anyone else notice the ravines in the NPC village screenshot? :stuck_out_tongue:

I noticed that, looks like a jail type door?
I want to punch that sand in the ravine…

One thing a lot of people are having misgivings about are the massive mushrooms in these screen shots… im not too sure how I feel either

Yeah… they look a bit like someone would make in creative…

To be honest, I don’t even like the NPC Village house designs. They too look like something someone would make in Creative :frowning:


It would be good if there could be different templates, then each village would vary slightly,
i.e. wood huts, brick houses, cobble, ruins, etc.
I suppose one good thing could be pillaging :stuck_out_tongue: Also, will the adventure bit be a separate game mode? and will the npc’s only be in adventure…? I hope so.

looks like something I make

Think about it this way.
We could all gather up. and just Raid the village.



but the villages are deserted?

Well, for now. Notch should add pigmen/goblins to them at some point.


Also, hard would be able to make the runescape build more realistic :stuck_out_tongue: if and when we do it of course.

I’m sure they’ll be populated by NPCs

I like the huge mushrooms, if we are able to get them with shears then that allows even more textures to build with :D, I wonder if NPC villages will be implemented into SMP.

notch also posted an image of the inside of a ravine and it looked amazing . also in the pic was the new lighting system

Plane Mod.
SDK’s gun mod
1.8 Npc village.

3 ways to destroy a village.
Rush it with guns

that or you could just sit up on a hill and snipe them

I think the coolest thing so far is that he’s testing a leveling system. Games like Diablo 2 and Oblivion where you level up just addict me like crazy so add that to Minecrack and when school comes around I’m screwed…

Sprinting probably coming to 1.8

That’ll be amazing for non flymoders… I like how he used Google+ fir that also :smiley: