Minecraft 1.2 updates: what we know so far.


However this may take a while seeing how my school wont let me go on very many websites. I will be sure to look for something when i get out of school though.

Ugh, here we go again, the cycle I call Bukkit Reliance.

[ul][li]We get Bukkit for a new update.[/li]
[li]We happily enjoy features that are added, but never upgrade to a screenshot.[/li]
[li]The update comes out and everyone’s too much of a wimp to actually go without PCB for a week at most even though we have a forum to communicate with.[/li][/ul]

This cycle should be broken sooner or later, with Mojang letting Bukkit in and all (totally called some collaboration between them! >:D)

That will be the day! /me cannot wait until this day!

Well Its good the update is finally here. Would personally give it a gander myself if I had the energy to save jar files… But anywho, I didnt update, however im going to remain in-active for a bit. I need to take care of personal things and for me, eliminating minecraft will make things easier on me. Will visit time to time within the span of this week and possibly the next instead of an everynight presence. :slight_smile:

Hell ya it is awesome

Ok… Tarnac… Dead thread is dead… Please dnt bump old posts up. Thanks. :wink: