Maze Discusion

how would that work?

Im pretty sure it would be a lot more different in a team environment. I also think that in a multiplayer thing there will be different people with different resources. Perhaps archers, warriors and navigators. Everybody gets the same amount of food, and same kinds of armor. The only difference is the tools they use to navigate the maze. Obviously archers get bows and arrows, warriors get swords, and navigators get a stack of redstone. There may be more parts to be added to the team maze match in the near future, idk. I am also curious as to how the dyes would work, this could be useful in the maze with two teams going at it in the paths.

Big twist:
no matter how much you all help each other there will only be one winner in the end, final death match. Lets just say the storyline says enchantments and potions are bad mojo. :wink:

Update to the maze and it’s mobs:

Apparently the new ai for zombies makes them so much smarter that they can find there way threw the maze and to you. Even with the multiple paths they can still find you. AAAAHHHHH!!!
I have only tested this on small scale maze, now to test it on the large scale. This update is gona kill us.

Update to the path of the maze:

I have decided to connect a few parts of the paths together. Since i believe i may have forgotten to connect the sanctuary and end to the start path. So if it get’s moved to survival then i will need to edit the maze path a little bit.

Is that why you could not make it to the sanctuary? Lol

I think that is why i always ended up going in a big circle and get all the way back to the start. Also even after i made the new path i ended up having to cheat to find my way to the sanctuary. I still had 3 switches to flip when i got there.

Random reason for bringing this back up to everybody’s attention.
AI relevance to maze difficulty:

It seems that the mobs have a pretty limited path finding AI area. So if you are in the maze there shouldn’t be a conga-line of mobs coming towards you to kill you. However they can fallow you pretty well threw the maze when you are spotted.

Ok, i know this has tookin me a while, but i finally finished the script. I honestly coulda finished this in the day i said i was workin on it but i for some reason quit half way through and just decided to finish it now. Tell me what you think. I’m gona just past all this here since i am not sure if a mac word document will let most of yall read it. Here i go…


Nicely done! There’s nothing wrong with the script! :stuck_out_tongue:

…aside from the usual ninja fixes I tend to do.

One thing sounded odd to me. They just arrived, are exhausted, and they all agree to enter right away? I figured they would make a camp for the night first. Oh! What if they get lost, it gets late so they take shelter. When they wake up, they find the entrance has found them (appeared overnight).

Why rally the town at the beginning? Are these brothers famous or something? It just seems like it would have been better for them to split up to get supplies from the townsfolk. Visit their shops, etc. Would give more footage opportunity, and can have the “clerk” be the same person with a diff skin.

Hmm, about their motivation for going… It feels like it’s lacking something. It’s cliche, but how about having the map be a clue about their missing father? He went on a journey and never returned. The map could have his writing on it or something.

Good ideas?

^ Agreed with above.

some issues:

  • some desired camera effects such as

    Move camera off of the brothers and zoom in on the building behind them and see a strange figure. Then fade out to the brothers leaving the town.
    • This cannot be done on most screen recording devices and would look absolutely terrible with minecraft graphics
      - Optifine mod can but I am unsure of how you initiate the zooming in
  • Also, will all of the cameramen be using a certain shader and texture pack?

    • If so I would like to know as soon as possible so I can play about with it.
  • Where would this be filmed?

    • PCB or a private server set up just for it?

Ok in response to kyle’s input, I love how those ideas sound, ill go ahead and edit it into the script, i was really kinda not all into this when i started it i guess, then i took like a few weeks brake for no reason so i have no idea what i was thinking then.

In response to brodur’s input, i was thinking maybe the camera man has fly or creative, and some speed alterations, like maybe slower and faster in some parts. And i guess i ment for the cameraman to look away from the brothers and kinda just fly towards the mysterious figure to act like a zoom effect.

With the texture pack, i do think we would need to all have the same one installed, and as of right now i don’t have any that pop out at me yet, so any suggestions would be great.

And i guess maybe we could film this on the server (either survival or creative, doesn’t matter to me) but if we don’t want to film this on this server then we would need to get someone to host a temp server with my single player map, cuz as of right now, the person paying for the server isn’t able to do it anymore so i am kinda un able to host it on there for now.

I have now finished editing the script. I love how much better it seems to me now. I went back and read through it and did not like it at all. There may still be some things wrong with it but i basically just rewrote the entire script. So please rate it how you feel.

Ok! So, I went grammar nazi, and corrected some grammar, made things make a bit more sense, added some shot ideas and other minor changes. Let me know if you like what I did :3

Looks great liam, and i suppose maybe we can either do this shooting on a separate private server, or maybe load the maze onto the creative or survival server then build the stuff we plan on having for sets. And I am kinda glad you went through that and fixed some of the gramar, i know i am not the best at that some times. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley: All and all i love this so far. I hope we can get this started soon. ;D

I’m not sure about the Albert and Alex bit still though xD It seems quite cheesy if they talk over each other, plus whoever was playing them may find it difficult to do it at exactly the same time. However, with the amount of times it happens, my idea won’t work. Perhaps do the thing where sentences lead on from each other?
For example:

We follow Albert and Alex to the local merchant.

Albert: Excuse me kind sir.
Alex: You wouldn’t happen to have any extra goodies that we might be able to have?
Albert: Would you?

Merchant: Well of course I do. For my two favorite twins. I have a few extra melons, if you would like.

Albert: That would be great!
Alex: Yes! Great! Thank you!

Merchant: I’m pleased to help lads. I am only sorry I cannot give you more, but for some reason I haven’t been able to get any supplies recently. The usual shipments come every month, however this one seems to be a few days late. I’m running quite low on resources.

Albert:That’s fine sir.
Alex: Thank you for the melons.

XD That’s actually kinda what i meant, i coulda made that a bit more clear i guess. Sorry. :stuck_out_tongue: But yeah, how you are saying seems like a really good idea. Like i said before, i’m really glad you revised my script liam. XD The grammar was 10X better when you re-wrote it. :stuck_out_tongue: So far all the ideas you have been coming up with are sounding pretty great. When i read the script again it was like you completely made another new story. XD

got optifine, can zoom now, and also everything looks very nice xD

Ok i just realized how if we don’t do this within the next few weeks then i wont be able to help edit the videos until the end of summer. D: I will loose my school computer in maybe 3 weeks or less. I wouldn’t even dream of using my dad’s computer cuz it sucks really bad for almost anything, so if we do do this in the summer then i am gona need yall to edit everything please. Also i may not be able to go on very often because ima be going to my mom’s most of summer and she would prob not let me use her computer to do this, but i can work on it. Don’t think i wont try. I just hope to not see this idea die like many others we have had. Well the only one that comes to mind is the romeo and juliet one, i have no idea what happened there. Also, it seems as though we may have trouble finding people who want to voice act. I will act out all of these parts if i have to, i wont let this idea die without fighting for it. I can throw my voice 20 different ways if i have to, but i really hope i don’t, i can almost guaranty that it would sound better with a few more people will act like fools with me. I don’t wana be the only voice in this whole thing. Also, we are gona need regular body actors as well, to fill in for the parts that don’t require voice acting.

And then we need to organize skins… cameramen can be vanished though :smiley: