Maze Discusion

I guess hardcore mode would be a little to much, and upset everybody who downloads the map.
It would be awesome to play on this map in a small server thing, that would make it easier for making the intro video.

After a quick play threw of my own maze, i have decided that it is going to be very hard to win this. I found the first switch pretty simple, only because i made the maze and knew the location, then i found out that it was very hard to find the other ones with all the mobs dropping in on you.

Also i found out that some of the dispensers did not have any arrows, this means that if it gets moved to the survival map that i need to restalk that with a few arrows. All and all, this is turning out to be loads of fun. Can’t wait until it gets moved to survival. ;D

when we get to 1.2, you could make the mobs spawn in traps, with pressure plates, dispensers, and eggs :slight_smile:

I could do something like that, but the mob spawning towers take up less space, and are more of a surprise. If i made more dispenser traps then it would require the maze to be more spread out. Each of those dispenser traps takes me about 2 spaces in-between the walls. But it was a pretty good suggestion, maybe i will have some wolf eggs in the secret room. ;D
So far this is still coming along, and definitely being subject to change. At least in the single player map.

New discovery, the mob towers i have built can over run the maze in a matter of 10-15 minutes. o.O
This is going to be fun. ;D

if you want to limit it, you could put some redstone timers on it, connected to piston doors to stop/start the flow of mobs :stuck_out_tongue:

I will probably just have the maze as is, the fact that all those mobs are falling in and you have an estimation of how long until it hits extreme mode. or just total meltdown and failure, idk, still testing the maze out. Will be sure to update yall on the upcoming features to the possible maze event.

Also the mobs will still be spawning a lot and just be dropped in big chunks, instead of spread out. Good idea though.

I died after just 5 minutes or so, i only got 2 switches flipped and then got hopelessly lost. Berly knew up from down, the mobs dropping on my head where the only thing keeping that a direction known to me. :stuck_out_tongue:

I keep forgetting to get the melons in the start room and loose too much hunger, the maze will have to have some food given at the start. Also i have gone up maybe 8 levels in just a minute or two. there will probably be an enchantment table somewhere in the maze, probably in the secret room. This is getting to be very tuff. DX
I hope the multiplayer event goes better.

nerf some of the towers?

Ive decided to change a bunch of the skeleton spawning towers to zombie, this is a much easier mob than skeleton, and drops food. It may be rotten flesh but it still brings your hunger bar up enough and long enough to heal.
This maze is seeming to change quite a few rules as i go. It’s still pretty fun though.

Wow im kinda late on responding on this sorry. I can help out any way necessary for this to happen, it sounds really sweet.

Suggestions are helpful right now, actually. Later we will try to get a video made of the maze, if you would like to participate in the video please say so. I still haven’t been able to make the semi script for the intro video, so if you want to be a part of it just say so.

I would like to but its all a matter of timing I’m very busy right now. Barely have time to check forums.

It will probably be a few weeks before the maze has a chance to get moved over, and we start making the video.

Update to the progress on my maze adventure:

Im getting raped by all the mobs right now, my swords have broken, and im surviving on roten flesh. Only flipped about 3 switches, and the bow is useless in such close combat. Seems like it’s all going very well. :stuck_out_tongue:
Seems like there are a few things that i will have to change in the inventory given, if only i could find the sanctuary, all would be good.
Also, it seems that when you hit stuff a lot it depletes your hunger a lot faster. I found this out when my swords all died and i had to hit zombies a ton of times with just my fists. Most likely i will change the single stone sword to iron and the 4 wood ones to stone.

Update to inventory:
I have decided that maybe adding a stack or so of redstone to help map out your path. like a ball of yarn that some people use to see where they have gone. Idk abou this. I don’t want to make it too easy. what do yall think? Would it be a good addition to the inventory?

Yes, but you should limit the amount to roughly 60-80 the length of the maze. The shortest length that is. That way, it is only used sparingly. It would be too easy with lots of it.

I have added one stack of 64 redstone to the single player inventory.

Update to my maze adventure:
So after about 100 attempts at the maze, and all failing. I shifted to creative and just went to the sanctuary, it was so disappointing that in survival i could almost always get myself turned around and back to the start but could never find any of the other two buildings. :’(

The inventory is definitely subject to change, as are some of the rules.

Do you think the results would be different in a team environment? For instance, when you are hurt, another could front the fight till you heal. The redstone should make a world of difference in navigation.

It must be a tough maze if the creator is so hopelessly lost! :wink:

One thing though, if every player uses redstone, then the paths will get merged and that wont work. Maybe give each player a different dye?