Im SwedenBall (daqwid2727poland), and i am an owner of Konin City - it has a /warp konin now. If anybody is intrested to be a builder there (u need some skills, i hate boxy buildings) ask me, or Katy (shes co-owner).
Rules r same as on whole server plus:
do not edit terrain, trees, or any “natural” parts of the city - u need my permission to do that.
if u r building a road, tram line, or anything that has a pattern in city, follow it - i dont want to have mess in my city.
city has two parts - modern and old town - it may be hard to find out what plots or terrains r in what part of the city, so before building anything ask me to be sure what style to build in.
[size=18pt]13.12.2015 - konin was griefed. like, half of the city destroyed, waiting for our great staff to fix it :3 hopefully they will also got one who did it! 13.12.2015 - im looking for help in some new parts of konin: suburban rich area, villas and fancy shoops needed, and area around stadium, so some skyscrapers and modern shops/apartments mixed with konin old estern europe style. 06.01.2016 - ALL TRUSTED AND HIGHER CAN NOW BUILD IN RED WOOL PLOTS IN KONIN WITHOUT PERMISSION (i can suggest changes or modify the build if needed) 06.01.2016 - there r some relatively fresh screenshots of Konin:
[size=18pt]Biggest project rn is connecting Konin Stadium (south part of Konin) to rest of the city. It looks like this for now:
A lot of the rail plan is similar to PCBT’s rail plan. We [staff, not PCBT] don’t want multiple connections to the same cities, whether they be PCBT-3rd party or 3rd party-3rd party. That is what causes clutter.
Here’s my network plans for the Gibraltar area. The top of my map is around where the bottom of yours is @daqwid2727poland. Trying to avoid clutter where I can. (Note: the vast expanse of space isolating my city :’()
I would like to have my city connected to the blue rail, the name of my city is Budapest. it has a warp ./warp budapest we have finished our station and we would like to be connected to the PCBrail. who can i ask to add Budapest on the map?
Budapest is currently connected to Donton and Belport with JMVrail. (run by Jmvvana).
A blue line connection to budapest would just mean double rail and…
According to the map VoltZ is connected to the SkyRail line can anyone explain what SkyRail is and I haven’t actually gotten anyone asking to connect VoltZ unless this is the highway? Poland or Vir pls explain?
i have no idea what skyrail is and i didnt even know its going in konin… it doesnt for now at least… maybe its some Portland line? like those elevated trains on main street of Portland?
SkyRail is a rail company I run, it’s a MagLev train system. The only current line runs north/south from Gibraltar to Spark Hill. It doesn’t run as at north as Konin or Portland.