No it isn’t. SkyRail is the small dark green line in the bottom right corner of the map.

Then what’s the grey bit on the map? If it’s not anything I’m starting a new line there :slight_smile: I call dibs

No idea, as far as I’m aware, no line exists there.

Sorry, I ran out of room for the key, so I just put Skyrail, and Xev into the same category.
grey = xev
turqoisish = Skyrail

That makes much more sense :slight_smile: XevRail is still in planning phase

Yeah… that line to portland you made @daqwid2727poland, i never agreed to it, you just built it without perms :confused: so… also. the Voltz rail, i dont agree to, sorry :confused:


[quote=“whbilbo, post:26, topic:23275”]

Yeah… that line to portland you made @daqwid2727poland, i never agreed to it, you just built it without perms :confused: so… also. the Voltz rail, i dont agree to, sorry :confused:

woo! now there is only one Konin-Portland connection.


Wut. What ’ bout agreeing to xev?

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