jplett: no clue

Minecraft Username: jplett
Approximate Date of Ban: no clue
OP Who Banned You: GGGEEEE

Reason for Ban: Hacked items or stealing
Reason for Unban: Hard gave me the Stack of golden axes to help him, the lava was i had found lava and was taking it to make obsidian and had extra so i kept it. so in no way i was breaking the rules.
Server: Survival

okay, fine, hard may have given you the axes, but you should have gotten rid of them, or at least un stacked them to make it less obvious. the lava and water BLOCKS though, unless you can explain where those came from, youre still in trouble

I have no clue how i got water and lava blocks at no point in my knowledge have i ever taken, asked, of found lava or water blocks so i have no idea where those came from.

they were in your chest, either someone framed you or you are lying

someone must have framed me cause i never had liquid blocks

also i don’t agree with u being the annoying mod

Reason for Unban: Hard gave me the Stack of golden axes to help him, the lava was i had found lava and was taking it to make obsidian and had extra so i kept it. so in no way i was breaking the rules

^This is bullshit. :confused:
I couldnt give on 1.7.3
I couldnt spawn anything until about 2 weeks ago.

when you where making that city with i think keaton. the one where i made the house on the cliff and u deleted it thats when you gave me the golden picks

i didnt give you golden picks, i dont, nor did i ever, have the power to.

sorry not pick just normal golden axes and that was directed at hard24get

not something good to say in a ban appeal…

sorry didnt see he had posted

why is complimenting you a bad thing in a ban appeal?

Because it sounds like you are sucking up to him.
Back on topic.
It doesn’t sound good. At the time of your ban, the only people who could give items were the admins, and me I think.

I admit i kept the golden axes okay maybe i shouldn’t have kept them. but i have no idea where the lava and water blocks came from.

Where did you GET the gold axes?

Hard24get gave them to me

Well, now that we have that cleared up, what was your motivation to lie?

he already said thats bullshit

I don’t care that he said that he gave them to me. i remember it because after i was trying to get the the city he was building but after 30 mins i gave up

Point 1: Hard did not give the axes, the only people who could have were the admins, or me.
Point 2: Water and lava blocks? You tried to cover this up by saying you were making obsidian, but then changed your answer saying you don’t know where they came from.

i thought g meant buckets not block and hard did give me the axes