jplett: no clue

GUYS, Remember in the 1.7.3 map there was a room underneath the lighthouse at spawn, That room contained tons of spawned in items INCLUDING Stacks of golden tools, Water and lava blocks, sponges etc… It was meant to be a griefer trap if I recall correctly. So thats the only way she could have gotten those Items unless someone spawned them for him or he is a master coder and found an exploit to where she could hack em in.

i said that in the eplett apeal…

Still, if he got them from there, he has lied to us about stealing.

Uh where did you say it because I dont see it anywhere…

Yes, jplett your In trouble either way, Hard did not spawn them, Im pretty sure liam did not and nor did an admin. The only reasonable explanation is that you stole them.

Eplett appeal not jplett

I did not steal any items
also i did not know about the stuff under the lighthouse
and anyways eplett’s account is ballsed up at the moment

Either way, you did something wrong. You either stole them or hacked them in. Because liam would have said if he’d given you anything, and I’m pretty sure the admins wouldn’t have. Not on the survival server.

jplett, Any reason, you did something wrong, as with what Ouhai said, you either hacked them in, or you stole them, Hard would not lie about spawning something in. That is why he is a Sop… because he has earned our trust.

I did not hack them or steal them and hard did give them to me.

I’m losing patience with this.

what do you guys want me to say then??? that i stole them and that i’m sorry and will never do it again

There’s only two things that can really happen here:
Hard is in fact lying, and gave you the tools.
You are lying, and stole the tools, and have therefore lied to us more, and will remain banned.

Either way, I would like someone to admit they are in the wrong.

well hard is the one lying because he did give me the axes or whoever he was working with but im 99% sure it was hard

I’m leaving this to whoever apparently gave you the axes. If noone comes forward within the next couple of days it will be discussed whether you are to be unbanned or not.

To help clear this up, i would like all SOPs + past AND present to say if they gave the tools, water or lava to jplett.

I did not give him any of it.

Nor I. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna stay banned from what I’m reading. I have no involvement so no further judgment as of yet.

I would have said so if I had given him anything. I have not spawned any stacks of tools since 1.2 or something. AKA, more than a year ago. I have never given out more than 1 block of liquid to any individual. I cannot conceive of how I could be involved with this. Sorry jplett.

I am fairly certain that I did not give out any tools to anyone. You guys all know my stance about /give in survival.

Never had spawning powers, nor a stack of golden axes and liquid blocks.
Anyway, seeing as BOTH accounts have griefed, both owned by one single person, one banned for destruction and one for these kinds of dubious activities, I don’t believe anything is going to be unbanned.

Sorry, but you will remain banned.

Topic locked.