no i was saying i double posted but ya he goes to a programing school and everything it sukz but hes moving out in a week so ya
wait what?
so your brother got to your account?
dude lock your comp…
and how does one destroy a chest? i thought it had a “magical lock” on it…and a portal?..
when did the first time happen?
idk ive been at my friends house all weeknd and i got on his computer once and i do lock it hes a computer wizard but hes leaving so thats it out of him
Honestly, I doubt that your brother did this. I’ve heard plenty of excuses in my day, but this is just… No. No one broke any chests. You broke into his chest room and removed his nether portal. I’d like to see narfins input on this.
i did not remove anyones portal i got the portal in forount of my house under groung using a water bucket and a dimond pickaxe the old fasion way and once agin i do not even now where he lives
I will leave this for the other ops to decide.
You are neither the one who banned him nor involved. Please refrain from saying such statements
I actually believe him. This guy is not the type that would go around breaking other people’s builds. I know because we have been some time together and he also built a whole civilization with cobble. It is hard to fight against hackers. (trust me I got hacked a few times). This does not sound like something slash would do at all. He is just a great builder.
I warned you last time. Your account is your responsibility. It’s not up to me - I didn’t ban you this time, but you should remain banned. I gave you the benefit of the doubt last time, but twice in what, 4 days? That’s neither believable or acceptable. If you knew he could get onto your comp, change the password then change your password and don’t tell it to remember your pass. That’s common sense after someone griefs on your account.
thanks bro you two i could not of done it with out you helping me kill creepers and zombies with our bows
i just want to add something the member soldeviljr on the server i told him about you and how great the server was and he to is aginst greifing he is building a huge chruch in creative
Here are some screenies.
like i said i was hacked and my brother is thew one he already said hell leave me alone and plus hes moving out i changed my minecraft pass and my computers so it will never happen agin
I will unban/redo you.
thank you
I’m okay with this only because of the time and effort you have put into our server. I saw your stats page and it shows you have really played honestly. I believe Hard has made the right decision. I would hate to lose a dedicated player for an honest problem.
thank you thats really nice
Slash says he lost all his items in the rollback. Is it possible to redo only his items and not the griefs?
Well he got rebanned earlier for greifing my house… Ask sacred, blocks were removed around my door so he could enter despite my locked doors this isnt the work of a younger brother or whatever, that was malicious… If you wanna be a part of the server, sort your damn act out
Sorry to straight up seem like a jerk, but man, you just got unbanned, and you grief me :L
Also, half of us are computer ‘wizards’, its not in anybody’s interest to gain access to someone else’s account, It’s, not only illegal, but the time it would take if you do genuinely ‘lock’ your computer, would be ridiculous He’d need like an spyware email key-logger to send to you or something
im just going to say. if it is true, that he has already re-griefed, i would strongly consider just keepin him banned for a while.
maybe not indefinatly. just long enough to reflect on this.
if he enjoys his time on the server that much, he should think about what he has done to it’s community.