Any idea when someone is coming on? Teeny problem with the ME system, mainly I don’t have a wireless controller and I can’t make one because it’s all in the ME!
Ill be on in a few mins
Pretty major update. Please refer to the original post for instructions. I hopefully made it a lot easier for anyone to install this.
Also, Sip says he can host as early as Sunday, but it will likely be a little after as I want to test the new build here. Make sure I did not miss anything.
While we cannot ‘legally’ send mods to players, isnt there a way to create an official modpack for the server that we can distribute, as long as we have permission from each mod’s lead dev/creator?
I already know Greg has given approval, but other mods may not. Besides, aside from gregs, the only mods we are asking players to DL is the solar one. The config I set should make is MUCH easier as people only need to open it. The rest of the mods are already packed and ready.
It might be best to create a custom pack on the technic launcher, similar to FTB, but it will allow us to distribute all the custom configs and mods. There is a huge spreadsheet somewhere of modmaker permissions. I’ll try and find it again.
I feel that if anyone has some EXTREME issues with setting up ftb, then they can pm me through steam for help and cheeky links, we cannot link or distribute links of a pre modded folder on pcb for legal reasons, but super private links through a messenger? Should be fine.
This is what I was attempting to say, if I didnt make sense.
Version 1.1 is now out. I will likely update on Sunday as I will be busy til then. The changelog does not have much, but there are a few nice changes.
Less Yellorite. Better chunk cleanup. No more infinite damage on mobs bug. No more limestone at all. No more broken bedrock (not that I have seen any). Rainbow Fluorite is back? Elevators no longer have a range cap!
Bunch of mod updates.
UPDATE/CHANGE THE PACK TO 1.0.11 BEFORE ADDING CUSTOM MODS AND CONFIGS! It deletes the mods and configs folder every update!
Yeah… I thought it was a given that people would either make a backup of their Monster folder first (then do a clean install), or would add in the configs after. I personally can’t trust what is changed by any update, so I do clean ones each time.
I also wanted to ask for an opinion on the compact windmill mod. At first I thought it would be as complicated as the original windmills (break chance in storms, low viability, etc) but it seems this mod makes height not matter so much. Instead, it just uses rotor blades with a limited time and efficiency. The problem is, it is easy to craft the unbreaking 100% rotor and the mills themselves are really cheap. It defeats the purpose of the adv solar mod.
I propose removing the mod, and leaving the default windmills. They still produce power and are easy to make, but the EU production is not in the EV range. BTW, 168 is the ideal height for default windmills. That, or the end.
Yea, The compact windmills are actually easyer then the old compact solars!, before they used to grow in number proportionate to how many solars you put it (100 solars at 1eu per tick makes 100eu/tick)
But these windmills are half that, you need 4 to make 8eu, and 64 to make 128eu. They dont really fit with the greg tech style at all.
Server has updated to ver. 1.1.0. Please see the first post for instructions once more. This should be the last one before Sipjca begins hosting. Even then, I will provide setting support.
Done: I removed compact windmills without a problem. I also found that the default settings changed how elevators worked. They no longer passed through blocks. I say F that. I changed it to 6 blocks. You should not need to edit your config on it. It’s a server side thing.
Server is likely to transfer within the next few hours. Sip should share the new IP once it’s up again. I will continue to host for a bit, but be warned your progress will have the be cut at some point. is the new IP
As of recently, we have had massive ticks per second loss over time. Not sure what is causing this…
This is the thread where I got the Java arguments the server is running under.
It says the arguments are outdated already and do not work well. Perhaps setting it back to the default would help our cause.
In the ServerStart.bat, we could change it back to:
“java -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m -XX:PermSize=256m -jar FTBServer-1.6.4-965.jar nogui
Another theory is the inclusion of blood magic. A known bug is the transition between dimensions. Moving between them is known to cause a memory leak.
Edit: I think this may be our real culprit. Each time I transitioned between dimensions, the mean tick time went up a bit. Sometimes it went down a little, but it rose more than anything. Along with our restarts, we should be okay. Please make your trips better planned!
Thanks Kyle for looking into this, I will change things around when I can
The java arguments thing has been what I have used since the start. The issues only happened quickly once we had crass and sacred join us. I believe they like to visit other worlds often. lol. Experimenting won’t hurt. Let’s try the java argument change first. Maybe increase PermSize to 512? That gives it more head room for calculations.
Just Crass goes to other dimensions, I haven’t even gone into the nether yet xD But idk how much Crass goes between dimensions though.
A lot.