FragMadz - 6th of August, 2014


Minecraft Username FragMadz

Date of Ban 6th of August, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by ferrari

Reason for Ban why cant you guys talk to me huh?

Reason to be Unbanned just tell me why i can join plz

[ Ban History ] 4 other ban appeals found
5th of August, 2014

30th of June, 2014

16th of June, 2014

11th of June, 2014

[ ! ] Do not post unless you are in someway involved in this matter.
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Frag log into the forums to be able to to reply and view yoir bullshit, but mainly, fuck off, no-one is going to even contemplate unbanning you, the same happened last time, you spammed a load of appeals which ultimately ended with you, once again being a massive dick and insulting everyone, so take the hint that you are not getting unbanned, we don’t want people like you, and stop filling our forums with your shit.

On your 1st appeal:

From your 2nd appeal:

From your 3rd appeal:

Aaand from your 4th appeal:

Read them. That is why you are banned.

Now kindly piss off. You will never be unbanned and frankly I’m bored of seeing your name in this appeal section.

IP banned from website. Locked.