FragMadz - 16th of June, 2014


Minecraft Username FragMadz

Date of Ban 16th of June, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by ferrari

Reason for Ban i am a bad member i shamed my self ok
i am better now and i will be a rly good member 4 ever i promise plz give me another chance i am sry :frowning:

Reason to be Unbanned my best friend is in this server i rly want to chat her she miss me and this server is the best server u can ever have it means alot to me i rly want to se my best friend emma i promise this will never hapend again

[ Ban History ] 1 other ban appeals found
11th of June, 2014

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same reasons as last time to stay banned, he also sent me messages over PMC, like with octo

Dear god no. Can someone just deny this?

Last appeal was denied, so this one will as well. Frag you will remain banned permanently, continue posting ban appeals will get you nowhere and can result in you being IP banned. So leave and find a new server to play on. Denied, locked.

to enforce the locking, sorry, frag sent me this over PMC, clearly showing he has not changed


and in answer, read your last appeal frag, it quite clearly explains.

edit: thread locked just before I hit submit, sorry :confused: