FragMadz - 11th of June, 2014


Minecraft Username FragMadz

Date of Ban 11th of June, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by ferrari

Reason for Ban i was an bad member he said to me i was tring to have fun by my skin i was jk i promise this will not hapend again pls give me another chance

Reason to be Unbanned this server means alot to me i love this server its my favuret and i want to finish my town

[ Ban History ] No previous ban appeals on record.

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to be honest, you swear at people far too much, you question every decision a staff member makes, and you are horrid a lot of the time. I would suggest that if you do get unbanned, you make a serious personaltity change, because right now, I would like you to stay banned.

This is a PERFECT example:

The day Ferrari banned you, you were being annoying to members and you were also annoying a certain member, uh questqwerk317 I think. And you were also annoying me by saying '“qwestqwerk hurt my feelings” and was getting irritated when I said that I didn’t care what was going on between them. I believe it was the case of him annoying her and she didn’t like it. (Atleast after reading chat a bit I kinda caught a bit).

Nonetheless, I feel like he should not be unbanned, I feel like if he made a return it would be bad. If he was allowed back I could see him annoying even more people.

Alright, let me give some arguments why we should NOT unban

  • The ban appeal is EVERYTHING but proper, to be honest,mit sucks.
  • Bothering staffmembers about an unban instead of waiting it out
  • All of the comments above

I think this goes without saying that I dont want him unbanned, unless someone has a strong argument on why he should stay.

I agree with ferr, but I don’t think that anyone will have a strong enough argument

Is there really any need to leave this open? Multiple staff members have expressed their opinions on this guy - all negative, including from the original banner.
