FragMadz - 30th of June, 2014


Minecraft Username FragMadz

Date of Ban 30th of June, 2014
Server Survival/Creative
Banned by ferrari

Reason for Ban i rly dont understand why are u guys unbaning all other but not me like that is fucked up

Reason to be Unbanned i did nothing only i did was entertainment and this qwerkisdsdsdf guy was being an asshore to me and craft was talking shit and u guys baned me worst staff ever

[ Ban History ] 2 other ban appeals found
16th of June, 2014

11th of June, 2014

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If you have such low views towards our staff and members, why should we think any higher of you to unban you?

hes just pissed and the staff are great guys but they do take there job a little too seriously. It is just a game.

Joshbenji kindly do not post in appeals that you’re not directly related to. Yes, it’s just a game but if staff don’t bother doing their jobs the server gets filled with whiny kids and assholes. Very few staff take it too seriously, most of us are usually pissing around on the server. Well… I am anyway…


Reason for Ban i am a bad member i shamed my self ok i am better now and i will be a rly good member 4 ever i promise plz give me another chance i am sry :(

Reason to be Unbanned
my best friend is in this server i rly want to chat her she miss me and this server is the best server u can ever have it means alot to me i rly want to se my best friend emma i promise this will never hapend again

From your previous ban appeal. Well, you changed your tune didn’t you? Also reminding people that he messaged staff with all caps rage, swearing at them, saying they’re awful staff.

I’m not even leaving this open for debate, you’ve been denied twice now. Banning your ip from the forums.