BigCity Build Contest

Where? /warp BigCityBuild
When? Starting now. Ending midnight (GMT) on Saturday 4th May.
Who? Anyone can enter this competition.

[size=3.95em]BigCity is looking a bit empty don’t you think?[size=2.65em]
So we’re going to fill it a bit.

Your challenge is to build something which would fit into a modern city centre.[size=2em]
For example: apartments, shopping parades, offices, shopping centres.

You can build your entry anywhere in the zone marked in the old bigcity.

(Area is also marked in game with yellow wool)

Now to entice you to build![size=3.95em]
1st Place[size=2em]
1st choice between Portal Bundle (Portal and Portal 2) and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP[size=1.45em]
In game money $5000[size=1.45em]
5 Spawner eggs of your choice[size=2.65em]
2nd Place[size=2em]
2nd choice between Portal Bundle (Portal and Portal 2) and Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP (whatever’s left)[size=1.45em]
In game money $2000[size=1.45em]
5 Spawner eggs of your choice[size=2.65em]
3rd Place[size=1.45em]
In game money $1000[size=1.45em]
5 Spawner eggs of your choice

[size=3.95em]All suitible buildings will be moved into NewBigCity[size=78%]

Games are gifted through Steam. If you cannot claim the game through Steam the prize will be given to lower positions and another non-steam game may be awarded.

I will be judging the entries myself as I paid for the prizes.

Can we build houses? Or a small neighbourhood type place?

No. That doesn’t fit the theme of a city centre. Stick to larger buildings please.

Alright. Modern Highrise it is :stuck_out_tongue:

For the contests, smaller buildings will be excluded. We should not exclude them entirely though. Every high rise city has a few smaller buildings and will eventually get smaller farther out.

They don’t have to be high rises, but they have to be something that will fit in a city centre. Anything about 4 floors and taller will be considered.


Hey Ouhai, I can’t seem to build in the area. May I have perms to build there? I got quite an idea in my head. :smiley:

I also want to enter, but alas… I cannot build there. No permission. >.<

Until I get it sorted, try building in the half furthest away from the warp (the half with the swampy bit).

Eh, what the hell. I’ll give it a go.

Only 3 days left!

I join. my build is at the swamp area

I might build something this weekend. Doesnt have to be in the Big Build, just don’t lock the area so I can build.

I was just working on my build and when i tped away for a sec a part of my building was gone…

You were probably lagging, that happens to me sometimes, your game was doing it, just the server was not updating, tp to yourself often. :smiley:

Contest extended by 1 week due to number of unfinished builds at the present time.

Just 4 days left!

You must be days ahead of my time zone, because its still the 30th of may for me… Can I get that time extended? :confused:

It ends Saturday at midnight GMT which as of this post is 3 days, 7 hours ad 48 minutes away.

I’ve already extended the time period once, so if you don’t get it finished then I’m afraid you will have to wait till the next contest.