BigCity Big Build This Weekend

Join us for round 3 of our Big Build competition. This weekends theme is INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. There are 15 plots up for grabs and prizes to be won! If you want to participate, please leave a comment saying which plot you will like to build on. Plots are allocated on a first come first served basis. We encourage you to work in teams of 2.

A group photo will be taken at the start of the event. Don’t be late!

Where: Lobby
When: July 21st to 22nd.
Time: Commences at:

7:00am PDT (California) GMT -7
9:00am CDT (Texas) GMT -5
10:00am EST (New York) GMT -4
3:00pm BST (London) GMT +1

12:00am EST (Melbourne) GMT +10


  • You can work individually or in groups of 2
  • Buildings must be realistic
  • Must be either offices, warehouses, factories, storage facilities etc. (anything that fits with the industrial theme)
  • You may build as many buildings as you like on the plot of land
  • You must fully develop the entire plot
  • Must be fully furnished
  • Plots 1 and 2 must be developed in a team of 2
  • Do not use glowstone excessively on the external sides of the building
  • Be creative!

After the building period has ended the community will vote on which is the best development.

Note that if you are working in a group of 2, you will each get the prizes (they are not split)

1st place:

  • $6000 in game money
  • 2 enchantments of your choice on one of your items
  • 1 mob spawner of your choice
  • Donator perks for a month

2nd place:

  • $4000 in game money
  • 1 diamond pickaxe with Fortune II

3rd place:

  • $2000 in game money
  • 2 spawn eggs of your choice


  • $1000 in game money

Plot 1 - JetBirdie and ItalianChild
Plot 2 -
Plot 3 - LegendofCharks
Plot 4 - Chaz_the_Spaz
Plot 5 -
Plot 6 -
Plot 7 - Mythbeast
Plot 8 - sipjca
Plot 9 - Hard24get
Plot 10 - ka52 and semilaxbeazt
Plot 11 - gggeeee
Plot 12 - TheZestyLemon
Plot 13 - liam599
Plot 14 - brodur
Plot 15 - Ouhai_Ruby

I’M IN. When can we start? I’d like to get it done today while I don’t have to use my laptop.

Tomorrow. In about 30 hours

Goddamnit… It said 20th earlier and I got excited :frowning:

Plot 15 [size=14pt]14 I’m making a factory :slight_smile:

Plot 13
Not too sure yet, will definitely have some redstone factoryness in it. Possibly linked to some shipping also.
if someone makes docks as 12 as lemon suggested, the two companies could work together pretty well xD (I’m not giving away too much, as I want to keep my idea :P) I might have some office stuff too. A big business-y place.

Already took plot 15 for the ORS sign production facility and offices.

Aw snap, why you no post earlier i got my hopes up D:
um… 14

I’ll take plot 8. Might be a bit late but should be fine.

Semi and I will take plot 10 por favor.

Well i call plot 7. Not a clue what ima do with it yet though. XD

I don’t know if I can make it, but if I can come on I wouldn’t mind helping someone out :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I’ll take plot 9. :3

I get plot 11
perfect size fo me

Could I just be a free lance builder and help everyone and still get payed $1000, I can’t really build and I would like to help everyone.

Me and Italian want plot number 1. Lets do this!

/start grammar_rant

Italian and I want to build on plot 1.

/end grammar_rant

I’d like to work in plot [size=2.65em]15 3[size=1em]Dun dun duuuuuun.

I now notice that ouhai already took 15. Are we using creative?

P.s Me and sliether a working together.

To make this a tad easier already taken are:
15 1
14 3
13 7
8 8
10 9
7 10
9 11
11 13
1 14
3 15

And I’ll take 6 so add that in.

Edit by Shadowmeire… sorry crass, my dyslexia set in when i was reading that, so i put it in number order XD

i wanna see what you guys can build with this period of time :slight_smile: