BigCity Big Build This Weekend

I think i will take plot 4.

Dang, too much competition. XD Everybody needs to drop out so i can win. :stuck_out_tongue:

I really want to participate, but the start of the event is 2AM at my time lol.

You don’t have to be there at the start of the event. It runs all weekend.

You can help me, I’ll probably be lagging horribly. Which is why I chose the smallest plot.

Hmm, I’m gonna think about it. I don’t have much time to finish it, since I can only do it for about 4 hours.

Big build starts in 30 minutes!

Sliether and I are done. Smelters United is now open.

Looks like I may be only able to make the last few hours. :confused: Gona have to work quick when I get home. :stuck_out_tongue:

Just had a check on progress and I have to say I am super impressed by the building quality :open_mouth:

Keep it up!

Will we be able to continue building after this weekend? I’m assuming we can but the competition will be judged based on what has been done at the end of today?

Just to make it clear, Im working with Liam on Plot 13.

I don’t see any problem with that

Great :smiley: I don’t know how long it will take me. Involves simple redstone, so probably a week or so… <.<

Liam, I think i’m done with my plot, I may be able to come over and help you with your redstone.

Can we build on some of the empty ones?

Semi and my Eurocopter factory is done :smiley:

Yes you can

Kinda upset that wolf stole my lot, but i am nearly done with my build in my new lot. So i guess ill get over it. :confused:

I’m guessing that the contest’ll probably be over in a few hours. Can you please post the rankings when its over _specs?