Big City Big Build: Thanksgiving Edition

Our Big City Big Build competition is back just in time for Thanksgiving! Players will have a 48 hour period to build on a given plot of land. The theme for this competition is “Real Life Skyscrapers”. You can choose any real world skyscraper to build. See below for the prizes on offer (valued at $50USD and $30USD)! Please post below if you are interesting in taking part.

Thursday 22nd November 4am - PST (GMT-8) - San Fransisco/LA
Thursday 22nd November 6am - CST (GMT-6) - Chicago/Houston
Thursday 22nd November 7am - EST (GMT-5) - New York
Thursday 22nd November 12pm - (GMT) - London
Thursday 22nd November 11pm - AEDT (GMT+11) - Australia

The new creative map (TBA)

1st Place: Borderlands 2 or Sleeping Dogs (Steam)
2nd Place: Spec Ops: The Line (Steam)

The winners will be judged by _specialk.


  • One player per building (no teams)
  • You have 48 hours to complete your building starting from the start time of the competition
  • Buildings will be judged on difficulty of build and realism
  • The ground floor must have a ceiling at least 5 blocks high off the ground
  • Each upper floor must be traversable (i.e. at least 2 blocks high)
  • Do not build outside of your plot


  • Use Google Street View to see how a building looks at street level. It is just as important
  • The tallest buildings may not be the best buildings to build
  • Pick a building that is interesting and has variety throughout the building
  • Do not bother furnishing the interior upper floors
  • If you have time, furnish the ground floor with whatever you like
  • You do not have to pick a famous landmark. You can pick any building you like as long as it is a real building and a skyscraper
  • Take into consideration the height limit of the map when planning your building. It will limit how many floors you can build

Changed competition period to 48 hours. Updated the server to 1.4.5.

sweet, i wouldn’t mind Boarderlands 2

dun dun dun!

Unfortunately it starts on Thursday and as I am not allowed mc until Friday I am afraid I have to sit this one out.

Good luck to the participants!

I wouldn’t mind entering :stuck_out_tongue: That is if I can find a skyscraper that I’d like to build XD

Guess Ill be up at 4:00 Am thanksgiving morning. Yay.
Already got a skyscraper in mind!

Keep in mind it goes for 24 hours. So feel free to wake up in the morning and start then. Unless you like waking up that early that is :stuck_out_tongue:

are comic book structures allowed? maybe a JLA watchtower parked on the ground, or a titans tower…etc.

Sorry, it has to be a real world skyscraper that has been built.

Sounds like fun. Too bad we can’t make un realistic ones though :stuck_out_tongue: I could do quite a bit with that :smiley:

Spec - L.A. and San Francisco are both PST.

I might just do this! :smiley:

I can’t do it because it starts at 12pm on thursday, and I’m out most of friday and all of saturday

Yay! big build is back! Im so down for this, its a shame its limited to already built skyscrapers however, some of the sketches/ prototype skyscrapers are far more sexy then the reality built ones, Time to hunt on google XD

Ohh… this is cool! Now I wish I had the mad skillz so many others have. Thanks to the timing, I should have no problem being there. I… might actually try to make something. That would be a first, right? If it is modeled off of something, I might be able to make it.

Also thanks for updating the server :smiley: I can finally start a new life, and Ruby where do you want your donations for the city?

I should be able to do this, but I am working thursday evening and friday evening. We’ll see.

/warp rubycity

I’d like to participate. 7AM on thursday for me, hm? I should set an alarm xD

I am so in! er… does this count as a skyscraper? it is the only one in my town xD

I’m in, for sure. Now, what to build?

Would love to do this, but two things prevent me from doing so:

A: There is no way I can build a skyscraper in 24 hours. I would maybe make it to the 4th story.

B: I have no permissions to build in BigCity. (Creative and the Welcome Map) :’(

Anyway, good luck to all participents! If I could get permissions (I’m only asking), then I’d be happy to help.

On a side note, I finally got an AIM! Yaaaay!

Welcome to Canada eh? :stuck_out_tongue: