[size=12pt]Hi! I recently have noticed that an art thread does not exist. As a creative person, I enjoy drawing and I like opinions on my "art" and I like to receive feedback from others. So, I am here creating this thread. It
does not have to be a feedback form, but rather a place for individuals to share their art. I present, the PCB art page.
[size=20pt]My Rules:
[ul][li]Feedback should be constructive. No “this sucks” or “I don’t like it.” If you do not like it, give a suggestion instead of a put down.[/li]
[li]Do NOT post scribbles or items that you have not spent time on. Items that you have spent 15 minutes or over is ok.[/li]
[li]Anything inappropriate is not allowed. Unless it is classy. Ex. Renaissance sculptures have included nudity, but its acceptable because it isn’t explicit.[/li]
[li]Nothing racist or overly vulgar.[/li]
[li]If you have multiple images, please post them in one post, not multiple. This is just to avoid spam.[/li]
[li]Remember, this does not just include drawings. This includes (but is not limited to) paintings, poems, songs, sculptures, etc.[/li][/ul]
A hobby of mine. I’m releasing an album later this year, this is one of the songs off of it. My SoundCloud stuff is really different than my actual work ahaha most of it online is just for fun.
we did have an art section seems it got lost in the last website update.
some of the rules I do find overboard.
Someone can i say i don’t like it’’. it’s an opinion and it is also for some important to explore what others like to build on that.
I don’t get why you’re putting time on how much time you should at least put in it.
some person may take a few hours to make something and others do it in 15 minutes.
and everyone has their own opinion on what is art and i think that should stay open.
something that is super simple or easy to do for that person can be a big achievement for the other and we shouldn’t limit the starting people like that
I think he’s referring to constructive vs. destructive. If you just put “I don’t like it,” that’s not benefitting anyone. What helps the artist is if you offer your opinion on what he/she could change.
You are over thinking it. Personally, I’m like you. If someone doesn’t like it, they should be able to do so. With all of these sensitive people coming out of the woodwork, you don’t know how that could affect someone like that. And the time limit is to keep scribbles off of this page. Over 15 minutes is a good thing. And if someone posts a scribble and they “worked hard on it” does it mean that it needs to be on the thread, no. Stop over thinking things. Like amphi said, it’s constructive feedback