all of you suck major ass… not really i love you guys… BUT… no one was on Creative when i needed to tell u something…
remember when i told everyone there was someone weird on the Survival server? from Planetminecraft looking to Revue servers? well he was on again tonight and i caught his name: DJbry11. if you see him on here again please please please someone look into it! hes asking for OP permissions again tonight and im not trusted or anything but if i was i would deff not give this random ass guy permissions like he is asking. i get a WEIRD feeling from him like hes a griefer or something…
he was on at 12:31est on Feb 15th.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. This player has been banned for asking for Op.

Phew scared the hell out of me for a second.

glad i could help. and Italian it was supposed to scare the shit outta you. haha

this is normal troll, people come from PM and ask for OP, it come from time-to-time, i mean we ban then because, seriously, who the fuck wants them anyway… pricks…
just kidding :stuck_out_tongue: their server is kinda nice

Banned for Asking for Op powers? Don’t you think that’s a bit harsh? I mean geez hard lately you’ve been ruling here with an iron-- no, DIAMOND Fist; and that’s a bit to heavy. I mean I don’t mean to barge in and tell you don’t be a dick, but, well… cut him some slack.
I’d like for people to get banned for ACTUALLY doing something bad, such as griefing or hacking/ruining the idea of minecraft Survival (x-ray, ore finder, etc. [And I think that should be a temp. ban because theyre not doing any Real damage, only to themselves.] ) and not banned for acting suspicious.

jus saying butt… he was also asking me to hack him diamond weapons tools and armor…

trevor, do you know how many idiots join the server and ask for OP? its been a rule for a long time…

He was banned for asking for Op, Claiming he worked for Mojang (kid said he was from Sweden yet he was aus) and for claiming he REVUE Servers… Which if he did, he would know how to spell review right.
All in all. Just another kid trying to be cool.
Banned for impersonation of Mojang Staff and for asking for promotion to Operator.

This is the first I have heard of ANYONE being banned for asking for a promotion. I do not agree that it should be a ban-able offense. Ggg, your right that we have had a rule a rule about asking for promotions, but it is meant to keep it from being annoying to the staff. Never has a punishment been listed for breaking our rules.

This player was indeed making an ass out of himself based on his claims, but that is still not a reason for a ban. A temp ban maybe, to chill the attitude he had, but no more.

I have unbanned him for now. If he does return, we can just keep an eye on him. If he continues his bull, despite our warnings of banning for it, then we can ban him again.

Asking for promotions is rule 11 in the creative rules. And as far as I can tell, asking for promotions is kind of a like one of the Ten Commandments of minecraft… like griefing and spamming. This kid was obviously trying to get creative mode/operator to grief. Even ggg could of noticed that (no offense ggg <3). I’m sorry, but this kid needs to stay banned. He claimed he reviewed servers, worked for mojang AND planet minecraft, asked for Him to be promoted to either Op or Creative mode to easily view the server. I’m sorry, but this kid needs to be banned.

(I haven’t banned him. if someone else feels that he should be banned, you do it. Its 1:22 am here :T)

I agree he is certainly asking for a ban, but I did not get the impression he was warned not to pursue his line of questioning.

It is a rule, but it is no where near as severe as griefing or spamming. We punish based on the severity of the rules broken. Even then, we usually go through a process of warning them first. Making bold claims like he was is not in our rules at all, but might be considered a disruption in the server. An equivalent of spamming perhaps.

I still don’t think what he did was ban-worthy. If you like, we can do a vote on this. I will concede to public opinion.

sounds like an idea to me kyle, but can we do it… like tomorrow… because i have school in 6 hours :stuck_out_tongue:

Meh hards right in a way but so is kyle. Honestly I think we should tempban ALOT more. It would be way easier to punish people for doing things that arent as severe as griefing and whatnot. And second time they do it when they come back, we ban. I mean theres bound to be a bunch of players out there that will realize the server aint half bad once they get a second chance and might turn around and do good for the server.

Hell, I was banned over a year ago when I first joined pcb for griefing(Didnt even realize it at the time.) I made an appeal because I wanted to come back and now I’m a friggin OP :stuck_out_tongue:

Never EVER believe this. Several griefing teams have used this to get in, it seems plausable at 1st, but it’s stupid really. Planet Minecraft don’t review servers themselves as far as I know, they rely on user submitted reviews.

Never said I believed it, but still just sayin

I never said you believed it, I said to never believe it.

Just bringing this back up

(x-ray, ore finder, etc. [And I think that should be a temp. ban because theyre not doing any Real damage, only to themselves.] )

It’s not just themselves, if you have been working on making a good mine for a few days, and getting some pretty good stuff from it, then someone xrays and gets all of the diamond from around it which you could have found, the mine is pretty much useless, or you have to take the time to extend it. All in all its pretty damn annoying. And on a survival server, you are supposed to SURVIVE.

I would like to know the tempban command date format
like is it
/tempban TestingKid 5d will ban for 5 days? and also is there an augment for a reason?

He is a idiot for asking for op, but he shouldnt be banned for it. If he asks, just simply tell him No.