Youtube contact question.

Sup guys, I have recently gotten some contact notification from some machinima partners and non machinima partners but they have 7k subs though.

My question is, Is it a good thing to have those people as contacts or is it just a youtube had them add you type thing?

I’m not gonna say its a scam because they havnt asked you for money yet… but Machinima has close to 7mill subs… sounds fake to me.

What did they say? And I agree with namillo, it sounds like it could be a scam to get either more viewers/ subscribers or even make a profit off you (one way or another).

Im not sure how it works but I assume that if you were going to be contacted then you would be contacted by the main channel or one of its high ranking affiliates?

Its more of them adding me and me not caring about it until now. (Ive had 1-2 in the past day)

Im not even subscribed to them.

Ahh right, well lots of channels add as many random people as they can, the whole sub for sub shizzle plays well there. I wouldnt think to much into it unless they send you a pm

And even if it was Machinima, I’d watch out for them. They’re really quite fishy/greedy themselves.

Never partner with Machinima. This video perfectly describes their practices. Also I fucking love OneyNG.

NSFW warning for the easily faint of heart children.


Oh dear god

(imma screw up this link)

He added me as a contact years ago