Your Username Origins.

Sorry for the second thread, but I was thinking this over and finally came to the conclusion that i wanted to post this.

With so many members in PCB, I was curious on how you got your MC username. If its personal, dont post, obviously.

How I came up with my username:

Pretty much as soon as minecraft came out, I played it. I played the cracked version and it was in early development. I had no idea what the heck i was doing and quit it. Years later, my friends where talking about mine craft. So I went to check it out unknowing thats what I played when I was younger. (Note this is all before PCB came into existence). I realized i have played this before and tried to make something. The first thing i ever made was a door…My first ever craft in minecraft was a door. I pretty much said WTF is this for? So I looked up some MC tutorials as the newb/noob me was unaware of the new updates and stuff so i had no idea what i was doing. I had to look up a video on how to make a crafting bench. Yes you read that right. I pretty much kicked myself over and over saying how stupid i was. So that was that.

I went on the cracked version of MC when the server was down. I crafted a wooden sword and leather armor. and went up the tier in armour and weapons. I then made a new world and played on normal. (i started on easy the first world) I got killed many times, BUT i got progressively better. After awhile, I went and made a new world on hard difficulty, EASY PEEZY i thought, I was wrong. Thats when i was introduced to the enderman. That thing killed me more times than i have logged on to any game. I progressivly got better at killing them and went through the armour and weapons tier by tier. I completed that and went on hardcore mode. (Note: This took many months and many days to complete)

After about 300+ minecraft days, i made an account. I named myself SwordMaster, (username taken), Then i tried SwordMaster (Username taken), and my last attempt before i was gonna name myself Mr_Sword was SwordMaster. I finally did it! I finally made an account!

SwordMaster_ was my username, SwordMaster_ will always be my username. I still do what I did back in my nooby days and I get better with mods that make MC more difficult.

Now if you want to grammar nazi it, Be my guest. I have written this story for PCB. It is completely true although some parts are more fuzzy than others.

But now, How did you come up with your username.

TL;DR? Too bad read it, it is good i think (im not the story writer type)


I always love learning why people have certain names.

My original name was LegendofRoy, but ,due to email issues, I changed to LegendofCharks.
Roy was a character I was writing about and drawing at the time.
When I changed names, I chose Charks because that is my personification of me in my art.

Oh!!! And I like Legend of Zelda games.

Self-explanatory + my birth year, 1996.

Interesting stories here. Mine is really simple haha. It is the letters of my real name in a random order.

yay now the community is active xD

My username goes back for quite a long time. My nickname when I was a kid was Piehole, because I said, “I like Pie.” at least 100 times everyday, no joke. The first time I coined Piehole314 was via Youtube, that’s still my username today, even though I managed to lose the password… lol. I did Lego Star Wars stop motion videos and it was the 314th Legion, I know, clever right? FYI, 3.14 is Pi. lol

Some time passed and I stumbled upon CaptainSparklez’ Revenge Music video. I then got into watching AntVenom (still am) And tried out Classic. SinglePlayer didn’t do it for me so I went to the online boards, typed in “city,” and up came Project City Build. I made an account for Piehole314 and begun my Classic adventure all the way until the ProBuilder Rank. :smiley: I bought the full version in 1.3.2 and started legitimately playing the PCB server when I finally got better hardware for my computer. And the rest is history. :smiley:

Okay, kind of more my story of how I got into Minecraft, lol. But yep, that’s me! What’s your story?

Well mine has something to do with all the art i do and a few other things. As a kid i liked the myths and unusual creatures that were made from them. So as an artist i liked to research old myths like greek myths and the creatures. They always gave me ideas that i liked. The beast came from simply liking the beasts that were created from myths.

My name actually has gone through a few changes. Mythicalcreature, mythicalbeast, mythicbeast, then mythbeast :stuck_out_tongue: The first one was when i was like 10 :stuck_out_tongue: The one i have now has been a few years old :slight_smile:

Quite the interesting story there, I personally, am not the most fond of my username, but it’s kind of grown on me :smiley: animangastar101 is the username of my Youtube and Deviantart account, so I thought I would use it for my Minecraft account! I’m so creative If you break my username up, it’s basically anime-manga-star-101, but everyone on the server calls me Anima xD

name+middle initial+last initial+birthyear= Johnlh97

You’re one year younger than me john?! o.O I never figured that :stuck_out_tongue:

My username is really just my name and the three first letters in my last name.

It’s also just my username that I use on the computers at school. :stuck_out_tongue:

My username originates from back in the days of Runescape being popular back in 02 or 03(Unsure of when I made the account) . I created the name Hard 2 4 get, out of just my imagination. And since then, its stuck.

Whoa! So much to comment on.

  1. Pie you started in 1.3.2? I thought you started in 1.2. Oh well.
  2. John, you’re the same age as me. Creepy.
  3. Ian, have you heard of the spelling Eion instead of Ian?

Elementary, my real name is Brod-ie, most of my acc. Names are Brod-ur

So everyone’s story is really awesome and stuff so i guess its my turn so sit back and read this thang 8) .

Once upon a evening I was trying to make a original username for my XboX live account and I was think well it should be a combination of thinks I love (this was around i don’t know maybe 8 or something i forget). So i though of the first thing was ninjas and the second thing was moneys not only were they just awesome creatures but everyone called my little monkey so it became one of my favorite animals. I first put them together as “Ninjamonkey” and then i added some numbers but i used the numbers of my bro who was something like “Freelancer377” so i made my name “Ninjamonkey377”.

From then on it got shortened because of the amount of characters to use in each so sometimes my name became “Ninjamonk377” because it lost the “ey” of the monkey. And then sometimes i decided to leave out the extra 7 from 377 and it was “Ninjamonk37” until one day my brother hated my coping his number so he asked my to change it. So i though what number should i use? This actually was the most immature decision i made in my life for a username… I was 10 and i just found out that 69 was a sexual number so i decided to combine the numbers to make 79 and my name then changed to “Ninjamonk79” I never went back to any of the old usernames because the new names just stuck and i decided to keep it.

Like my story? good now either go back to Homework or back to bed ;D

O yeah i still haven’t changed my MC username to “Ninjamonk79” so its right now “Ninjamonk377” the older username from when i first bought MC.

Well I ama big fan of West Ham United, a football team from London, which is shortened to Whu, my name is Billy, and the first time I used this username was 2010. Sorry for being boring.

Well mine is not all that interesting either. Back when I was 9 or so, I was trying to create an e-mail account for myself. This was on our house’s first computer. My mother and grand mother worked for IBM at the time (1990s). I guess that’s how we had such an early PC.

Actually, this had me searching for what this thing was. I found my first (PC)video game. I think we had a Gameboy (not color) before this.

The adventures of Hyperman!
The Adventures of Hyperman (1995) [WINDOWS]

A whole 66 MHz processor and 8 Mb of RAM!

Okay, way off topic there, but I was reminiscing. Go ahead and laugh. So anyway, I had a friend I thought was cool named Kyle. I knew not to use my own name online, so I thought Kyle would work. Of course that was taken. I tried a bunch of spellings for it too. I gave up and used the simplest numbers after the name. 8 9 10.

Hopefully, my first PC is more interesting than my name origins. Oh, and you may love this… I still use the Mouse and Keyboard from that system. Good old Compaq.

10 years ago I needed a good gamertag. I started watching anime and the first japanese original anime I watched was Shamanking and in the Opening they say out loud Yomigaere (= Reborn) so i took that =) and now for short names I have Yomi (= Hell/ The underworld/ Hades/ Read).

I know my name sounds original and stuff but I must confess I didn’t come up with it.
Runescape did. Yes, runescape.
I was 8 and my original account had just been hacked so I went to make a new one. When trialling new names ‘Ohai Ruby’ came up as one of the options for account names which hadn’t been taken yet.

Fast forward to just over 3 years ago and I was picking a name for my minecraft account. Somehow I remembered that but decided to stick in a ‘u’ for some reason and then had to use an underscore instead of a space cos

EDIT: 2222nd post!