Sorry for the second thread, but I was thinking this over and finally came to the conclusion that i wanted to post this.
With so many members in PCB, I was curious on how you got your MC username. If its personal, dont post, obviously.
How I came up with my username:
Pretty much as soon as minecraft came out, I played it. I played the cracked version and it was in early development. I had no idea what the heck i was doing and quit it. Years later, my friends where talking about mine craft. So I went to check it out unknowing thats what I played when I was younger. (Note this is all before PCB came into existence). I realized i have played this before and tried to make something. The first thing i ever made was a door…My first ever craft in minecraft was a door. I pretty much said WTF is this for? So I looked up some MC tutorials as the newb/noob me was unaware of the new updates and stuff so i had no idea what i was doing. I had to look up a video on how to make a crafting bench. Yes you read that right. I pretty much kicked myself over and over saying how stupid i was. So that was that.
I went on the cracked version of MC when the server was down. I crafted a wooden sword and leather armor. and went up the tier in armour and weapons. I then made a new world and played on normal. (i started on easy the first world) I got killed many times, BUT i got progressively better. After awhile, I went and made a new world on hard difficulty, EASY PEEZY i thought, I was wrong. Thats when i was introduced to the enderman. That thing killed me more times than i have logged on to any game. I progressivly got better at killing them and went through the armour and weapons tier by tier. I completed that and went on hardcore mode. (Note: This took many months and many days to complete)
After about 300+ minecraft days, i made an account. I named myself SwordMaster, (username taken), Then i tried SwordMaster (Username taken), and my last attempt before i was gonna name myself Mr_Sword was SwordMaster. I finally did it! I finally made an account!
SwordMaster_ was my username, SwordMaster_ will always be my username. I still do what I did back in my nooby days and I get better with mods that make MC more difficult.
Now if you want to grammar nazi it, Be my guest. I have written this story for PCB. It is completely true although some parts are more fuzzy than others.
But now, How did you come up with your username.
TL;DR? Too bad read it, it is good i think (im not the story writer type)