You + Your Warps & Button Warps! [Apply for Button Warps Here]

Do you have a new Warp? Staff will now feature your warp at both Sspawn and Cspawn.

Check to see if your warp is already featured on the first floor beneath the rules of Cspawn OR if your warp is featured in Survival New warp spot To be Determined be patient for this

If you would like to register your newly set warp get in touch with PrinceMark for a feature at either Spawn

Update 11/4/15

If you currently have a warp as of November 4, 2015 then your warp is already featured in Cspawn. If for whatever reason you DO NOT want your warp featured then please get in touch with me by sending a PM to me on the forums or using (/mail send PrinceMark) in-game. Do not be concerned if your warp is not linked at the moment, I will be linking current warps these next couple of days. Only be concerned if your warp is present, or if you dont want it featured :slight_smile:

Could you please add New Enn River City at spawn? The warp is: NewEnn

Thank you! :smiley:

Added :slight_smile:

Can you add my town warp oakwood to cspawn please ? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: ;D

It’s already there. You only need to comment if you want it removed, or if you have just obtained a warp.

Can you please add Silver City,
Warp: silver_city

Anyone still doing the Button Warps:

Warp Name: Silver_City
Actual Name: Silver City

If we’re still doing these…

Warp name: Southport

City Name: Southport


Not doing them right now sorry. Will update when I get time.

Just an FYI for staff, we arent using Buttonwarps anymore, its done through command blocks.

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