I’ll be honest, I have had problems with you. I was on the first time you were griefing, along with spamming the chat a lot as well… Also because you were “bored” is no reason to be unbanned, and what does your brother playing and being only 7 have to do with this? I think you need a better reason if someone unbann’s you to be honest…
You were bored. So you let your brother play? Why? is it fun to watch someone else play MC? What did you do if you didnt watch him?
Your account is your responsibility.
2a. Second ban in 3days…You should of monitored your brother while he was on. IF he was on. We have all heard this same excuse before. like 14 times in 1 week i think.
What did you do when you were bored?
3a. To sum it all up. This is full of holes. If this was your second ban in 3 days, you are really bad at hiding stuff. Or you need to monitor your account more.
Honestly with this little information, I could pretty much piece this together. Ill hold my tongue until theres more information posted. IF a staff member hasnt beaten me to it yet.