Would anyone be so kind and...

get me a Gift Code? ill be on more now since im out of school…(fuck ya!) im looking on getting a job but so far i cant seem to find one that will accept me…

So if you would i would be so so so so so so so so so so so so gratefull that i will do your bidding until i quit MC…(not quitting anyways…)

Thanks SM

Mainly directed to anyone who is out of school and wants to see me more often :stuck_out_tongue:

Ewwww, no!!! I don’t want to see more of you! :stuck_out_tongue: jk, if I had the spending money, I would prob buy you Minecraft.

Sword, just because they won’t accept your credit card doesn’t mean you can’t buy it! Ask your friends, family?



dafuq is happening?

oh i have no clue how to get a pay pal account thing…i may ask meesta sparklez for one


You guys are fucking idiots.