‘Pay us money and maybe we will consider you for a staff position that you wont get because we dont know you yet, but if it gets you to pay us then all the better’
Not trying to be cruel, just realistic. If the server really is a youtubers one, then would they allow someone they dont know to become a power in their system? =/
Pfff, well. That’s nothing. A certain minigames server, sponsored by a certain youtuber will used to unban you from their server for $15, regardless of reason. It turns out they suspended that after EvilSeph (lead bukkit developer) said that was the shittiest idea he had ever seen
But i found out that because i was chosen before i had the chance to donate, i do not have to donate. Yay me! xD im the exception of like every server xD
i mean its slow right now, but when it gets up and everyones there (over 2k people. no joke) it gets very busy and you may see me on it if you go on there once in awhile.