Worlds fastest time for achieving Staff for a Famous youtuber?

So I saw a video on SkydoesMC’s channel and he was looking for staff for his new Pixelmon server

I applied like an hour after i signed up and i may have a shot at actually getting a staff position.

If i do get this position, you will see less of me on this server :smiley: :frowning:

Good for you! (not even sarcastic)

In your professional life, always go where the best offer lies! Tell us how it goes!

Errm im not getting information that you have to be a donator to become staff…

  1. They say its to show your “loyalty”
  2. Im not a donator
  3. Im waiting for an interview…
  4. Im now confused…

‘Pay us money and maybe we will consider you for a staff position that you wont get because we dont know you yet, but if it gets you to pay us then all the better’

Not trying to be cruel, just realistic. If the server really is a youtubers one, then would they allow someone they dont know to become a power in their system? =/

Fatso, i did get the position. Staff have to donate a min of $7 to hold that position forever.

All i need to do now is donate $7…

I admit, its a bit odd but i suppose i see the reasoning

Also got to chat with Huskymudkipz or however you spell it

I really hope that works out for you. Really. I’m quite worried that it seems like a scam of sorts. Paying for power just seems broken to me.

Buying power, that is truly broken, like kyle stated.

If you can buy in for $7 then that opens a serious gap for abuse in a supposed ‘well’ established server…

Pfff, well. That’s nothing. A certain minigames server, sponsored by a certain youtuber will used to unban you from their server for $15, regardless of reason. It turns out they suspended that after EvilSeph (lead bukkit developer) said that was the shittiest idea he had ever seen

Yes i see its broken

but heres the thing, in order to be helper, you have to be at least 16 and have skype and a mic for the interview.

heres the actual “form”

What is your Minecraft Username?

How old are you? (Must be 16 or older, please do not lie about your age)

What time zone do you live in?

How long have you been with SKY Pixelmon?

Have you ever been muted OR banned on SKY Pixelmon?

Do you have any staff experience on any other servers?

Do you have Skype?

How long will you be able to play on the server each day? (Be honest)

I suppose it is a bit choosy so i guess its alright. That and only 100 people were chosen for this. i made 1/100 and my odds were 1/100000

Sorry for the double post.

But i found out that because i was chosen before i had the chance to donate, i do not have to donate. Yay me! xD im the exception of like every server xD

I love you guys <3

That makes me feel a lot better for you. At least they are not extorting you. You should only donate if you know them well enough.

Good for you sword you are moving up in the world. This will be sad not seeing you on the forums anymore but this is very good.

Ill be on the forums, just a bit less

mainly because of the website chat…

i mean its slow right now, but when it gets up and everyones there (over 2k people. no joke) it gets very busy and you may see me on it if you go on there once in awhile.

There are gonna be a TON of people, there are already 5 sub-servers, and more to come. So have “fun”!

The 5 sub servers are the servers. Theres the main server which is known as the Hub.

Im staff on Sky1 and Sky5… Yay me >.<

Theres currently 2603 people in chat. Just some arent talking

I would come and say hi, but installing pixelmon requires too much effort…

The tekkit launcher has it up to date. Just update it