World Expo: Solo Expo suggestion

The World Expo was so popular this year i would like to suggest a follow up to it to be hosted in the not too distant future.

A Solo World Expo where everyone gets a 25x25 plot (could be bigger or smaller). there could be a rough theme to it or it could be as it is now.
there are 2 main bonuses to this version as 1 person per plot means that those who didn’t have enough people to be a team in the current expo can join in and 2 it will mean people are on a much leveller playing field (this year the teams are of 3 except for 1 which has 8 and 1 that has 4)

i think this could be a great follow up for the furrent Expo and i reckon that people will have just as much fun with this as they are currently.

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Thank you for the suggestion Omg.

We will look more into this proposal and see what we can do.