-- World Expo -- 🇦🇺 Australia Pavillion 🇦🇺 --

G’day from Australia!
We recognise the traditional owners of our land, the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, and hope to preserve and celebrate the culture, achievement, innovation, diversity and prosperity that the great nation of Australia brings to the world.
It’s impossible to include everything we’d like to, but we’ll do our best to show some highlights of our country and its achievements.

The Australia Pavillion includes a detailed diorama of the Great Barrier Reef, a snippet of Uluru (the pavillion building) and the Sydney Harmour bridge. You’ll find information on Australia’s rich history, aboriginal culture, innovations, and the land we celebrate!

There’s also 3 secret Australia flag eggs hiding in the pavillion, see if you can find them!

Current members of Team Australia:
Dantosky (By proxy)
Randombilly (By proxy)

Continue breathing that beautiful spirit of Australia!

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I’m gonna sit there in the background disagreeing with colours and simple things until we cry over how good it is


I really haven’t done anything lol. I’ll try and get on if I can but school is starting again so my activity might be very spotty

Thanks everyone for helping out on this pavillion, I reckon we did pretty well. Ty Mark especially bc he helped me clear land and that made me want to throw myself against the wall


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