Who has beaten the game?

hello PCB!

I am wondering who has beaten the game on single player SMP or CMP.

I beat it today in about an hour on a new map. (Toomanyitem noob!)

anyways i am wondering who else has beat it.

i have the end game text if you want to see it…

Just about anyone who plays MC lol sorry, when it was released (The End), everyone did it that I know of. But still, congrats!

i did it the day 1.8 was realesed

i havnt really been trying xD thats why…

i was playing minecraft before 1.8 release

yep i forgot how long ago that was!

EDIT: can someone get on classic? im bored…

For anyone still playing THE game… I lost the game!

I hate you Brodur…

And I could never be bothered to get enough stuff to get the portal to work. So yeah.

Has anyone managed to defeat the dragon in PCB server, or at least find a fortress?

The first day the New map was made, gggeeee found the end portal near treetop

Multiple times.

Brodur, I already lost the game when I read the title of the thread. You might say you made me lose again though.

I have never done the end on my own. The only reason I did was because I followed GGG this time to the end. I believe Andy was there for a bit. Oh, and the dragon got me to lvl 100. I took down about a quarter of its health.

i like how some people havnt even found the end portal but have beaten the game…

Fact: I was playing on multi player (cracked server) and the first 5 seconds i was summoned and beat the game…

I got to find a picture for that…