Where do you live?

Thanks to you i logged in the server an got called it :stuck_out_tongue:


its not funny :stuck_out_tongue:

I live in El Tejas, Land of the Lone Six-Stringer, more specifically in Austin.

I’m planning on going to either Juliard or Berklee.

Both the best thing and the worst thing in the world come from Canada:
Rush and Justin ******

I’m from Vancouver, Canada eh?

Chicago Illinois :stuck_out_tongue:

Keller Texas :stuck_out_tongue:

heck yeah! canada for the WIN! “America’s bread basket”

Texas all the way people. You should know that by now.

Kansas City, KS

Jet did you really need to post the State that Kansas City is in?

I live in the artic. Here is a picture of my igloo



Indiana FTW

I first saw this topic STALKERS!!! was the first thing that poped into my head

Sorry Shadowhand but that really looks like “The first thing that po(o)ped into my head”. Needed to point that out. :stuck_out_tongue: Oh, yeah BTW i’m from Houston. (my first post failed epicly)