[size=12px][b]Date Registered: [/b][size=12px]February 24, 2011, 08:07:31 am8) 8)
hmm i guess i got a nice timeline …
to be continued
Date Registered: November 09, 2010, 05:47:58 am
we’re pretty close aren’t we
Date Registered: September 06, 2014, 01:47:16 pm
So yeah it’s been just over a year.
In that time, I was YoshiBoy13, and I was a shit builder (Silver Mountain, September 2014), then a slightly shitty builder (Delfino, October 2014), then a blight on the landscape (YoshiRail, November 2014), then a sort-of-ok builder (Calisands, November 2014), then a trusted (December 2014), then a not shit builder (Renkou, February 2015), then the map reset happened and I was a mod (July 2015), then a pretty good builder (Ceres, July 2015), then I changed names (Asmodean_, September 2015), and then I built Fallout-style city (Firma, September 2015).
Date Registered: August 03, 2014, 02:07:31 pm
[size=14pt]after joining on the 3rd August 2014, i wasnt really that active until March 2015 when i brought my amazing building skills to the server. My first project was renovating a house of which later got rolled back. My first large project that i got a ton of praise for was the outdoor theatre which still exists in big city. that was me of into the world of PCB. another project which i earned alot of praise for was my 3 storey underground bunker in acra city. after this i started building various models of highend supercars in Mc form which then lead to my dealerships in most major cities. today there is only 2 wooly motors dealers on the server. one in victoria 2.0 and the original in big city. After these small venture i got involved in Rancho constructing buildings throughout the city, which then got me thinking and inspired me to start New York which was filled with many life like builds and a few yachts. when we moved to the 1.8 map i started the small northern town of brackley which is now playing host to my ingeneous idea for a PCB Music Festival. A week after my 1 year anniversary i was promoted to Trusted which i was rather proud of. since the i have had 4 books written about me and i have become good friends with many of the staff on the server. my next plan is applying for Mod+ after the festival and seeing where that will take me. my history on the server hasnt really been that long and my story is really only just beginning.
I remember Bendura :DD I lived there like the whole time I played survival.
I joined in August 2013.
hmm i guess i got a nice timeline …
to be continued
wait i forgot i really started with yomi that little cavehotel where i was awfull in building
Well I joined in april of 2012…The best memories ive had was building a steaming pile of shit in Guest Build (Classic server) and making a tank that actually shot explosives (Classic server). I am still surprised that im a Classic SOP considering just to apply for Classic staff, you had to be a good builder. Most of my builds were squares wether it be a tilted square, a round square, or a rectangular square. Most probably remember me as SwordMaster_ and I remember xWoM or WoM that was fun to set up.

a tilted square, a round square, or a rectangular square.
such geometry gg m9
Master of the squares how did u make a round sqaure
Master of the squares how did u make a round sqaure
you take a square
and make it a circle
When I first joined, I had no idea what the hell i was doing. I first downloaded the game then looked up “city servers” back in July 28th, 2013. Project city build was the first result so I clicked it. Signed up and logged in. I was welcomed by an very diverse and beautiful community. I really hope this server never loses that charm. Just like they always say, Internet friends are usually better than IRL friends. And this is the good thing, a good thing that gave me a more positive outlook on life. This server taught me a lot about friendships, leadership, and giving back. Becoming staff was something I never thought I would ever get, since i can be a tad bit immature at times, as well as me not being that serious. Staff taught me about teamwork and leadership. To be real, I learned more than just a “Simple array of commands.”
January 14, 2015, 06:31:51 pm
Prior Map
I’m still fairly new. But since joining, I’ve been involved with the server very heavily. Maybe 10 minutes into joining, I began Nexus Engineering, a building company which sprawled the whole creative map at the time. My first building is well known for being the server’s tallest [glow=red,2,300]ever[/glow]. It reached to max build height, but I added a banner on top of the spire. No, it wasn’t the largest tower, but it did have the singlemost highest point on the server. Since making the Nexus Engineering HQ in Acra City, I monopolized the City of Stars, and began a whole nation at the farthest point in the server. Annopolis was planned to be a massive futuristic city with daqwid and I at the helm. We had finished a massive skyscraper, and a train station. Annopol didn’t go very far. Right before the map restarted, I found a large, abandoned city, that I named Elton. Cortwade owned a city across the bay, which eventually became Esposia. Yeah, we all remember Esposia. At about this time, it was late May. Early June, my computer stopped allowing me to play Minecraft, but I tried to keep updated using the website. I earned trusted a few days into my absence. Minecraft began working again in early August.
Current Map
I joined the server about a month into the new map. I was way behind all other cities, and to catch up I founded Belport. Belport quickly surged to one of the map’s largest cities. Belport features many skyscrapers, a modern French themed train station, and a W.I.P airport. Belport has recently slowed down, but my next nation is rapidly snowballing. Morpeus, Jahbrenpanvilla, SlySly, Estevaobuilder, Leobhz, Tuzao, Orvilleman and I form a nation called ‘Lucite’. It is rapidly growing, and changing. There is a simple yet complicated government system that I wont bore you with. Under this new nation, I started the city New Havana, a colonial Spanish themed city in the far south reaches of the map. I built here to escape the east, which is jammed with cities…
as of right now, this is as far as I’ve gotten. I’ve made many friends and unforgettable memories here on PCB, and I plan to stay for a while.
What does the future of Jm look like?
Great question. Bad answer. - I don’t know. I plan to make more friends, more memories, and more cities to improve my MC skills. I also plan to apply for staff in the near future (Possibly January 14, 2016?). I wont get into my past staff experience though, until I apply.
Thank you for reading all of my boring lecture on the History of Jm and the History of Jm only. Sorry if it was painfully boring.
It has interested me reading all of your PCB histories.
Thank you all for this wonderfull stories and dont forget you can always yours if dont have it yet
I originally joined in June of 2011, although I was initially sharing an account with someone else until I up and bought my own later. I rotated around a couple cities initially, working for Filipenis as a road worker in Forsyth. Joined up with some others and formed the “Forsyth Militia” together. Eventually there was a map wipe. The new spawn was on an island, and I decided, I’m just going to swim until I hit land. So I did, and where I landed, I started a town.
The land was far (Relatively) from spawn, and on a coast, so i settled on the name Farcoast.
Initially Farcoast was not a town per-se. It started as a base for The Trust, an old economic conglomerate attempting to gain power in the market through cooperation of several businesses. We built our production facilities in and around farcoast, with the idea that making it a town so people could warp to us would be fruitful. After awhile more people came, and the focus of Farcoast switched away from The Trust (which expired) and began focusing on its own development and expansion. I decided to create a force similar to the Forsyth Militia. The name swapped around a bit, beginning with the FDF, Farcoastian Defense Force, but eventually I settled on the Farcoastian Army (FCA). I Built a large wall surrounding the Farcoastian Pinensula, and then began systematically expanding, laying roads elsewhere and marking territories as provinces. The provinces were generally seperated by biomes, and some of them became self-functioning towns governed by their magistrates as part of the Farcoastian Empire. The most prominent province was Caprica, owned by Robin_Hoodlum. There were one or two wars that took place during the reign of the first farcoastian empire. One was a skirmish where Ka_52 and some other players bombed the FCA base with TNT. The incident consisted of bombings and counter-bombings, with few actual fights. The other was the war with “Fryer City”, a small nation that declared its existence inside of the imperial borders and openly declared war on the empire. They were sieged with a large TNT cannon that mostly obliterated the stronghold. Also that incident resulted in my one and only tempban as things got out of control. However, eventually that map got wiped.
Somewhere around the end of Farcoast 1/start of Farcoast 2, I applied for mod and got it. I would remain a moderator for about 9 months. Going into Farcoast II on the next map, I decided to build a giant floating citadel. The city then expanded below the citadel. I did not attempt to annex nearly as much territory as I had in the last map, and sought to not overextend myself. Unfortunately I went away for an extended period of time, and apparently during my absence a war occurred. The FCA was more or less disbanded and the “Empire” fell apart. When I returned, I declared the State of Farcoast resumed and worked with Yomigaere of steampunk to found The Union, a conglomerate of survival nation-towns that would cooperate and make accomodations to help new members on the server. This continued for awhile until the next map wipe.
With Farcoast III, the empire returned. This map featured the most prominent expansion of the FCA, with the establishment of an actual military base in town, which was one of the first things to be constructed. The FCA then took on an enlarged role in the expansion of infrastructure, and Farcoast III boasted an exceptionally large road network. Various neighboring areas became provinces, including briefly Valandia until it seceded from the Empire and nearly sparked a war. Numerous, large fortifications were constructed, such as Overlook near the border with Valandia. There was one actual war during Farcoast III, which was the rebellion of Jx4576. Jx4576, formerly a non commissioned officer in the Farcoastian Army, decided to turn against the empire, form his own town, and systematically bomb the city in a terrorist manner. He was killed perhaps 40 times by FCA patrols wandering the town, including numerous times at the warp point. Eventually the FCA located his base of operations and conducted an artillery siege with TNT Cannons before storming his base and forcing his surrender.
And another map wipe ensued. The next was Farcoast IV, which was perhaps one of the better planned Farcoasts, at least initially. Robin_Hoodlum became my second in command, and we built up a civilian-side government to run the city. Robin orchestrated the construction of the White House as the capitol building, and several districts started to develop. However, after some prolonged absence, i left Farcoast in robin’s control. He decided to sell Farcoast to Niko and then had the capitol building worldedited out of the city elsewhere. Farcoast fell to ruin, as parts of it remained owned by me, and other parts belonged to Ascadia under Niko, who never finished the new capitol building.
After this occurred, I decided to start anew and build a floating city called Novium. Novium never really developed very far. After Novium, I decided to reboot with a different name, founding Terragon. Terragon was more of a successor to Farcoast, having the TGA (Terragonian Army) with its own base that was generally of higher quality than its predecessors. A new Arena was built for combat and spleef. Terragon remained the primary project of mine until the next map wipe, bringing us to the current map, where I have recently rebooted Farcoast as Farcoast V. Sometime early 2015 I got promoted to SOP.
And that generally sums everything up, i think.
Long Live Farcoast. #RememberTheAss2013
Another long success full story and yes long live farcoast and may it be longer
Date Registered: May 29, 2014, 10:17:24 pm
First thing I did was start building Bayside.
Classic. Thought Fatso was staff. Built a pub. Things escalated.
A shortened history:
2011 - Classic; Liam, James, and Fatso.
I was a whiny little b****.
I built stuff.
I applied for staff.
I was a whiny little b****.
I left.
I came back.
I built stuff.
I applied for staff.
I was a whiny little b****.
I left.
I came back.
Repeat until now.

I win, you still remember the ass that was slain.