I think i noticed this a while back, but… What happened to the twitter that we had on the front page? I remember seeing it a while back, i also remember a little thread about twitters and stuff, so i made a twitter and fallowed PCB. The twitter seems to be kinda dead… I think if we brought it back some time for when we go public, it could be pretty good for some of the new members to be able to read or something.
My thinking on this subject is the fact that some people have twitter where it can tell you if someone has made a tweet or not. (not totally sure if i am mistaken though) If that is not the case, then i know there are some people that check twitter a bit more than they ever check anything else. So if we got that back up when we go public, we could say a little bit about events we are doing, new changes to the site, server, and possibly rules. Even a few things that aren’t so server wide. Like the announcement of new cities coming up and ready for build rights, or birthdays and all, maybe even little things centered around certain people that do nice things. Like if someone helps out in a server wide kinda grief deal. Then we could kinda announce like the people who where a help and all. I know if we do get kinda big like i know we should, (this server being so great and all) then there would be some people out there who would feel great to just see their name mentioned on something like that.
I may have gotten a bit confusing not sure, i apologize if i did. Only a bit more to read if you made it this far without your head exploding. XD
Maybe if we get this brought back up, then we could have some people that are aloud to have access to the twitter account where they can just log on and put a quick tweet up with their name fallowing the tweet so people know who is informing them.
Maybe we could have ops+ or something who could be aloud access to the pass, so that way we don’t gota worry about some people getting a little carried away with their “popularity” and sharing the password. Or maybe we could just give the pass to people who show they are involved a ton in the forums and trusted enough, that have gotten involved enough to have their post count above a certain number, or something like that.
I guess what i am trying to say is, any idea why twitter is gone, and if we could bring it back for some people to help out with the news of the server.