What do you want for christmas

Yeah, cuz you can get that in minecraft :stuck_out_tongue:
I wana know if you want something in minecraft, thin you can put real life things after that. Just saying. :slight_smile:

I would like the patience and persistence to build an epic city.

I want to continue on my Temple of Ender wihtout any problems, and also removal of the glitch in the End.

In minecraft I would like…EVERYTHING!!!
Lol jk i would like a bunch of DIMS!!!

In real life mostly just hockey equipment.

I have no idea, you can get anything you want in Minecraft without too much trouble, though I would want cookies! :smiley:

IRL I really want a new phone.

IRL, I’d like to have Terraria :smiley:

half a stack of diamonds or a good armor set