Welcome to the future! Kinda? October 21, 20-15

Hey everyone! So if you haven’t noticed, it’s October 21, 2015 (Hence the title). Don’t know what I’m talking about and think I’m crazy? No! This is the day that “Doc” and Marty, along with his girlfriend, arrive on, you guessed it, October 21, 2015!

Here’s a link.

Welcome back. TO THE FUTURE.

Great Scott! Marty, we’re in the future!

Hey, they predicted a few things.

Self tying shoes
Miami has a baseball team
Paying things with handheld electronic doo-hickey
Flat Screen TVs

It’s kind of sad to think that from here on out, back to the future will be back to the past…

Shame they couldn’t predict 2015 being part of the era where everything offends at least someone.

“I like pepperoni pizza”

mobs of people in chase with pitchforks and knives

10 things Back to the Future: Part II got wrong.


I’m offended that you think the gloriousness of pepperoni pizza could possibly be offensive.

Wait… shit.

This offends me


readies pitchfork

can i just mention now i am extremly offended by this comment and i am planning on taking legal action

I actually watched the part 2 movie last night, felt it was in order for such an important day haha. Totally forgot how much I hated that Biff dude, I hope his grandma raised him well

This offends me, because insert shit opinion


  • HighLordMax

I’m so sorry for derailing the thread.

I hope I didn’t offend.

I find capslock offensive

Fuck you all.


:wink: Back at you m8

I dressed up in a vest and all for the day. Oh and our college gives out free newspapers, so I was able to get USA Today’s special BTTF edition. Oh and sorry I havent been on much at all, college has been busting my ass. But I’m loving it up here and am getting great design ideas for future builds! Love you all, I’ve been checking the site every day. Thanks so much for being here yall.