I’m not sure whether this is the right forum but I’d just like to point out that whenever I vote for the server it doesn’t give me in-game money.
I’ve tried different websites numerous times, and I’ve typed my name case sensitive, but it doesn’t register and never says I’ve voted in the chat.
I have changed my Minecraft username, that was a while ago. I’ve tried using my old name (Nams3537) to vote a few times but that doesn’t seem to work either.
Can someone help? I don’t really care about the money but it just seems a little unfair that others can benefit from voting and I can’t.
This was reported on the 4th November, but only spec has access to the server list accounts as far as I know, so only he can fix it.
Okay thanks. I know I mentioned it in the chat a while ago, I didn’t post on the forums because it’s not a big deal.
This seems to have been fixed for me now. Thanks to Buster 
But no joke - I did the exact same thing I’ve always done when voting. It’s only now it’s started working.
Thanks for all the help anyway 
I spoke to NotApplicable online and showed him it was working when I explained it to him he tried it and it worked.
I must say only the 2 links actually give money out that is why I altered the listing so everyone knew which to click.
I myself haven’t had any trouble getting the vote money to work over the last few weeks.