
3 questions.

If i colonised a village and farmed villagers, and clearly claimed it, and someone came along and killed the villagers. Would:

A. I get replacement villagers free, if i could prove their inital existence?
B. The player who killed them be able to be found and banned?
C. The villagers locked or rolled back?

I know entities couldn’t use to be locked, however armour stands now can be by staff so could this work the same way?

Thanks, TheJosh

If no blocks were broken, there is pretty much no way of finding out who did it. As for entity locking, it interferes with game mechanics for mobs, as they become invulnerable.

However, if you ask a SOP they’ll be able to spawn some more villagers.

I’d also like to add, if you catch someone killing them in person, take screenshots for evidence if you believe they should be banned. Without screenshots or chat logs deliberately saying “im killing ur villagers u n00b xDDDDDD” Its a difficult offense to monitor and ban. An estimate of how many villagers killed should be made aswell, because 1 killed villager is likely a joke meanwhile 20 is malicious and harmful.

Ah ok, thanks for your help!